A discord and web application made for content creators of gmodstore.
- Sync Roles
- Web interface
- Kick banned Gmodstore members
- add more stuff here
/sync <user>
Sends the discord user a message to link their gmodstore account / addons. This will also set any roles configured in the dashboard.
I made this because I was curious and wanted to learn more about the slashcommands added in discord.NET. This setup really only works for a single guild per instance (as of 5/2022).
The web interface providers a simple UI to add roles based on the user's purchase scripts. It is recommended to route gmodstore webhooks (purchase, revoke, unrevoked) to your app url. Example: myapp.com/api/webhooks/<purchase,revoked,unrevoked>
. This will allow the bot to update the user's roles (if exists) in real time based on the action taken.
Best to run on a single container with reverse nginx proxy
- Do hosting stuff
- Go to yourwebsite.com/config
- Login with: user: admin, password: Admin*123
- Enter configuration values
- Click
Restart bot