The website, registration, and check-in system for nwHacks 2019
$> git clone
$> cd nwhacks2019 ; make
$> cp .example.env .env
$> vi .env # fill out environment variables
The front-end is a React web app.
$> make web # Serve web app using webpack-dev-server
$> make test # To run the web app tests locally
$> make lint # To run the linter locally
$> make build # To build the web app into `./docs`
$> make serve # Serve built static web app
The back-end is powered by serverless functions deployed to Firebase.
$> make functions # Deploy functions locally
$> make shell # Start an interactive shell for functions
# Deployment
$> make deploy-dev
$> make deploy-prod
For development: To serve the web app locally and emulate the cloud functions locally, use make dev
For production: To build the web app and publish the cloud functions to production, use make prod