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Self-hosted server to monitor WHOIS records for specified domains, to help alert you of unwanted/unexpected changes to your domains and to help remind you when they need renewed.

If you use domain-monitor, make sure to abide by the terms of service of the TLD WHOIS server. Most forbid high-volume queries, marketing usage, and automated queries that are more than reasonably needed to register domain names.

To help you abide by WHOIS server TOS, domain-monitor barely queries the whois databases. domain-monitor acts in this way:

  1. Creates a local cache of the whois info for the domain, including time queried
  2. Updates a whois info only if one of these conditions is met:
  • No cached whois info for the domain
  • Reference info becomes 9 months old
  • It's 3 months until the domain expiry date
  • It's 2 months until the domain expiry date
  • It's 1 month until the domain expiry date
  • It's 2 weeks until the domain expiry date
  • It's 1 week until the domain expiry date
  • Manual update is requested
  • A DNS query of the FQDN returns a different set of name servers than the cached whois info



The docker image has a single volume for the files generated by the server.

Image Mount Contains
/app/data config.yaml, domain.yaml and WHOIS cache
Exposed Ports Used for
3124/tcp WEB GUI and API

docker run -p -v ./data:/app/data

Example docker-compose:

      - ./data:/app/data:rw
version: "3.9"

Image is just nwesterhausen/domain-monitor, latest tag will be the most recent version, or pull by tagged version. The most recent old (non-go) version is tagged with 0.3.4.

docker run -p -v ./data:/app/data

Running Locally

Should by OS agnostic. Requires go and nodejs. Clone this repo and follow the build instructions. Then you can run the binary alongside the assets folder.

Configuration can be done via the configuration page of the web gui (default http://localhost:3124)


There are two config files which you can edit yourself if you so choose.


A sample is provided as sample.config.yaml and on first run if you don't have an existing config.yaml, domain-monitor will create one with all default values. Any changes you made in the webgui persist in config.yaml.

App Settings


Set the port used by the http server

Automated Whois Lookups

Enable or disable automated whois lookups. If disabled, whois lookups will only be done when manually requested.

Sample App Config
  port: 3124
  automateWHOISRefresh: yes



Set what email should receive alerts from domain-monitor


Boolean, if false prevents all alerts from being sent.

Send Alert at 2 Months to Expiry

Boolean, if true, an alert will be sent when a domain is 2 months from expiry.

Send Alert at 1 Month to Expiry

Boolean, if true, an alert will be sent when a domain is 1 month from expiry.

Send Alert at 2 Weeks to Expiry

Boolean, if true, an alert will be sent when a domain is 2 weeks from expiry.

Send Alert at 1 Week to Expiry

Boolean, if true, an alert will be sent when a domain is 1 week from expiry.

Send Alert at 3 Days to Expiry

Boolean, if true, an alert will be sent when a domain is 3 days from expiry.

Send Daily Expiry Alerts

Boolean, if true, an alert will be sent every day for domains that expire within a week.

Sample Alerts Config
  admin: [email protected]
  sendalerts: true
  send2MonthAlert: false
  send1MonthAlert: true
  send2WeekAlert: false
  send1WeekAlert: false
  send3DayAlert: true
  sendDailyExpiryAlert: false


Set smtp settings for domain-monitor to use to send email alerts.


The hostname of the SMTP server


The port of the SMTP server


Boolean, if true, will force the SMTP connection to use TLS. If false, will use opportunistic TLS (so fallback to plaintext if the server doesn't support TLS)


The username to use to authenticate with the SMTP server


The password to use to authenticate with the SMTP server


Boolean, if false, domain-monitor will not send any email alerts


The name to use in the "from" field of the email alerts


The email address to use in the "from" field of the email alerts

Sample SMTP Config
  host: localhost
  port: 25
  secure: false
  authuser: [email protected]
  authpass: SECRET-PASS
  enabled: false
  fromName: Domain Monitor
  fromEmail: [email protected]


Set some schedule options for the WHOIS lookups.

WHOIS Cache Stale Interval

The number of days after which the WHOIS cache is considered stale and a new lookup will be done.

Use Standard WHOIS Refresh Schedule

Boolean, if true, domain-monitor will use a standard schedule for WHOIS lookups. If false, it will still perform the automated WHOIS lookup for stale, new domains and DNS changes, but will not perform regular lookups.

Sample Scheduler Config
  whoisCacheStaleInterval: 190
  useStandardWHOISRefreshSchedule: true


Contains a single object (domains) which is a list of domains to monitor. Each domain has the following properties:

Property Type Description
name string Descriptive name for the domain entry
fqdn string FQDN for the domain in question. This is just host.tld
alerts bool If true, email alerts will be sent for this domain
enabled bool If true, whois lookups will be done (on the schedule described above) for this domain.



  • golang
  • nodejs
  • pnpm
  • air go install
  • templ go install

Development server

To run the development server, use the following command:


Air will take care of all the build steps whenever a change is detected.

Build steps:

  1. Install npm dependencies and "build" (copy the JS libraries to the assets folder).
pnpm i && pnpm build
  1. Compile the templates
templ generate
  1. Build the go binary
go build cmd/main.go

The binary requires the assets folder to be in the same directory as the binary.