The Word2Vec poriton of this project consists of 2 Python source files and an embedding subdirectory containing a csv file of cleaned text data to be used for training embeddings as well as 2 pre-trained embeddings.
- embedding/
- cleaned_text.csv
- word2vec.model
- word2vec.wordvectors
- word2vec_250d_1win.model
- word2vec_250d_1win.wordvectors
import embedding_utils
embedding = load_embedding('embedding/word2vec.wordvectors')
embedding = load_embedding('embedding/word2vec_250d_1win.wordvectors')
The attention model can be trained for a specified number of epochs using one of the above embeddings.
num_epochs = 5
trainModel(num_epochs, embedding)
The file contains functions to create multiple embeddings with different word vector dimensions and window sizes. The createEmbeddings() and trainModelWithEmbeddings() functions take in list parameters for the word vector dimensions and wondow sizes. These are lists of strings and will result in one embedding being created for each dimension / window size combination. The model and word vector files with be saved in the embedding directory for later usage. (dimensions=DIMENSIONS, windows=WINDOWS)
dimensions = ['100', '200']
windows = ['5', '10']
createEmbeddings(dimensions, windows)
This will create 4 embeddings:
- 100-dimension word vector with a window size of 5
- 100-dimension word vector with a window size of 10
- 200-dimension word vector with a window size of 5
- 200-dimension word vector with a window size of 10
The names for the ebedding and word vector files will reflect the parameter combinations to make identification easy. The embeddings and models can be loaded using funtions in the file.
The embedding exploration can be reproduced by calling from the command line. All of the print statements in were comment out except for the results print statement. Stdout was redirected to a file to capture the results of training the 12 embeddings for 5 epochs each. Output from within are directed to stderr so updates can be observed in the terminal during training while the results are written to a file.
$ python3 1> results.txt