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Node Release Lines

Introspection API for Node.js release metadata. Provides information about release lines, their relative status along with details of each release.

See how release lines work for more context.

Currently optimized for offline mode. Release schedule has apis to support both online & offline mode.


npm install node-release-lines



const { ReleaseLines } = require('node-release-lines')

const releases = ReleaseLines.load('2018-09-15') // state of release lines at a point in time

if (releases.getLTS().length === 4 && // LTS release lines
    releases.getEOL().length === 6 && // release lines that have reached EOL (end of life)
    releases.getEOL().getModern().length === 4 && // "modern" EOL release lines
    releases.getEOL().getLTS().length === 1) { // LTS release lines that are EOL
  // examine supported release lines

  releases.getSupported().forEach(line => {
    let stats = line.getStats()
      version: line.version,
      daysToEOL: stats.days.until.eol,
      progress: `${}%`,
      state: {
        lts: line.isLTS,
        isCurrent: line.isCurrent,
        isActive: line.isActive,
        isMaintenance: line.isMaintenance
      releases: {
        total: line.releases.length,
        safe: line.releases.getSafe().length,
        latest: line.releases[0].version


{ version: 'v6',
  daysToEOL: 198,
  progress: '81%',
   { lts: true,
     isCurrent: false,
     isActive: false,
     isMaintenance: true },
  releases: { total: 39, safe: 1, latest: 'v6.14.3' } }
{ version: 'v8',
  daysToEOL: 472,
  progress: '50%',
   { lts: true,
     isCurrent: false,
     isActive: true,
     isMaintenance: false },
  releases: { total: 26, safe: 2, latest: 'v8.11.4' } }
{ version: 'v10',
  daysToEOL: 929,
  progress: '13%',
   { lts: true,
     isCurrent: true,
     isActive: false,
     isMaintenance: false },
  releases: { total: 12, safe: 6, latest: 'v10.9.0' } }

Command Line

The node-release-lines CLI options can be used globally or via npx.

Globally, where <command> is the command you'd like to use:

npm install node-release-lines -g
<command> [options]

Via npx, where <command> is the command you'd like to use:

npx node-release-lines <command> [options]

Command: isnodesafe [options]

isnodesafe is a CLI utility to check if Node.js is safe. The CLI defaults to checking system version, but can also check user-specified versions.

isnodesafe Options

  • -v, --version: output the version number
  • -c, --ci: Returns a non-zero exit code if the version of Node.js is not safe, and a zero exit code if it is safe.
  • -r, --release [release] Checks to see if a specific release of Node.js is safe
  • -h, --help output usage information

isnodesafe Examples

$ isnodesafe
$ isnodesafe --ci
$ isnodesafe --release 10.2.0
$ isnodesafe -rc 6.9.5

Command: amisafe

This command is deprecated in favor of isnodesafe. It will work as an alias of isnodesafe until [email protected], at which point it will be removed.

Command: nodetimeline [options]

nodetimeline is a CLI tool to understand Node.js release lines lifespans.

nodetimeline Options

  • -v, --version: output the version number
  • -c, --current: Returns all "Current" versions of Node.js.
  • -l, --lts: Returns all presently supported "LTS" versions of Node.js – regardless of whether or not they are presently active "LTS".
  • -a, --active: Returns all active "LTS" Node.js release lines.
  • -m, --maintenance: Returns all presently supported "Maintenance" versions of Node.js.
  • -s, --supported: Returns all presently supported Node.js version
  • -h, --help: output usage information

nodetimeline Examples

$ nodetimeline
$ nodetimeline -c
$ nodetimeline --lts



  • EOL: (end of life) - any ReleaseLine no longer supported and recieves no more updates.
  • Supported: any ReleaseLine that has been started and has not reached EOL.
  • LTS: any ReleaseLine that has an active LTS period in the lifecycle.
  • Active: any ReleaseLine that is in LTS, excluding maintenance window.
  • Maintenance: any ReleaseLine that is in maintenance mode and has not reached EOL.
  • Current: any ReleaseLine that has been started, in active development, not in maintenance or LTS.
  • Future: any defined ReleaseLine that has yet to start.
  • Modern: any ReleaseLine that is v1 or greater. This does not include io.js releases (any version from v4 onwards).

ReleaseLine class

Instance properties:

  • version: String
  • start: Date
  • end: Date
  • lts: Date or undefined
  • maintenance: Date or undefined
  • codename: String or undefined

Instance getters:

see terminology

  • releases: Releases see Releases section (lazy loaded)
  • isEOL: Boolean
  • isSupported: Boolean
  • isLTS: Boolean
  • isActive: Boolean
  • inLTS: Boolean alias for isActive
  • isMaintenance: Boolean
  • isCurrent: Boolean
  • isFuture: Boolean
  • isModern: Boolean
  • notStarted: Boolean


Changes the date for calculating stats in getStats


  • date: Date instance (optional,

Returns: this



  • precision: Number

Stats about the relative timeline of the release based on the current setDate.


  • 0 will be used for unknown values. For example maintenance, lts are not valid for some release.
  • If a value is negative 0 is returned instead. This is useful for a ReleaseLine that hasn't started.
  • returned stats object is not bound to setDate


{ days: { 
    total: 1073, // total days release is supported
    current: 160, // days in `current` mode
    lts: 548, // days in `active` LTS
    maintenance: 365, // days in maintenance
    completed: { 
        total: 144, 
        current: 144, 
        lts: 0, 
        maintenance: 0 },
    remaining: { 
        total: 929, 
        current: 16, 
        lts: 548, 
        maintenance: 365 },
    until: { 
        start: 0, // already started
        lts: 16, 
        maintenance: 564, 
        eol: 929 } 
  percent: { 
      total: 13, // complete
      current: 90, 
      lts: 0, 
      maintenance: 0 } 

ReleaseLines extends Array class

An array of ReleaseLine instances. Provides helper methods for updating, filtering and querying release lines.

ReleaseLines.load(schedule, date) static

Hydrates a schedule. If a schedule is not defined then the internal cached copy is automatically used.


  • schedule: an object of release lines (optional)
    • key: version of the release
    • value: Object
      • start: String or Date (required)
      • endt: String or Date (required)
      • lts: String or Date
      • maintenance: String or Date
      • codename: String
  • date: Date instance (optional,

Returns: ReleaseLines instance

ReleaseLines.fetch(date) static


  • date: Date instance (optional,

Returns: Promise - resolves to ReleaseLines instance

ReleaseLines.scheduleUrl (string) static

The url to the offical release schedule.

get(version, resetDate)


  • version: a release line name (example: v10)
  • resetDate: Date, String or Boolean - changes the date. (optional)

Returns: ReleaseLine or undefined



  • date: Date instance (optional,

Returns: this


Filters ReleaseLine items by isSupported


  • resetDate: Date, String or Boolean - changes the date. (optional)

Returns: ReleaseLines instance with only supported release lines.


Filters ReleaseLine items by isCurrent


  • resetDate: Date, String or Boolean - changes the date. (optional)

Returns: ReleaseLines instance with only current release lines.


Filters ReleaseLine items by isMaintenance


  • resetDate: Date, String or Boolean - changes the date. (optional)

Returns: ReleaseLines instance with only release lines in maintenance mode.


Filters ReleaseLine items by isFuture


  • resetDate: Date, String or Boolean - changes the date. (optional)

Returns: ReleaseLines instance with only release lines that have yet to start.


Filters ReleaseLine items by isActive


  • resetDate: Date, String or Boolean - changes the date. (optional)

Returns: ReleaseLines instance with only release lines that are in LTS, excluding maintenance window.


Filters ReleaseLine items by isEOL


  • resetDate: Date, String or Boolean - changes the date. (optional)

Returns: ReleaseLines instance with only release lines that have hit EOL


Filters ReleaseLine items by isModern


  • resetDate: Date, String or Boolean - changes the date. (optional)

Returns: ReleaseLines instance with only modern release lines.


Filters ReleaseLine items by isLTS


  • resetDate: Date, String or Boolean - changes the date. (optional)

Returns: ReleaseLines instance with only release lines that have an LTS active mode in their lifecycle. Note: It does not neccessarily mean it is an active LTS (see getActive()).

Release class

Instance properties:

  • version: String - version number of release
  • date: Date - date of release
  • modules: Number - number of modules
  • npm: String - version
  • v8: String - version
  • uv: String - version
  • zlib: String - version
  • openssl: String - version

Instance getters:

  • vulns: Array of Vulnerability (lazy loading)
  • isSafe: Boolean - true if Release has no known vulnerabilities.
  • isVulnerable: Boolean - true if Release has one or more vulnerabilities.
  • doc: String url of docs for the specific release

Release.load(version) static


  • version: String

Returns: Release or null if version does not exist

download(arch, type)

If arch is omitted returns directory to all download resources for release version.

Currently arch and type are not implemented


  • arch: String
  • type: String (gz, xz, pkg, msi, zip)

Returns: String url of download resource

Releases extends Array class

An array of Release instances. Provides helper methods for updating, filtering and querying release lines.

Releases.load(version) static


  • version: String (example v6)

Returns: Releases instance


Filters Release items by isSafe

Returns: Releases instance with only releases that have no known vulnerabilities.

Vulnerability class

Instance properties:

  • id: String

Instance getters:

  • cve
  • ref
  • vulnerable
  • patched
  • description
  • overview
  • author
  • cvss
  • cvss_score
  • source: String - url to specific vulnerability in nodejs/security-wg repo.
  • isValid: Boolean

ChangeLog class

Currently deprecations and notable changes are not fully supported.

Instance properties:

  • version: String
  • line: String current release line (example: Current)
  • date: Date release date
  • releasedBy: String individual who performed the release
  • text: String meta text above other sub headers
  • raw: String raw markdown text of the whole release
  • commits: Array of Commit

load(version) static


  • version: String

Returns: ChangeLog instance or null

Commit class

Instance properties:

  • sha: String commit sha
  • pr: String pr number associated with commit
  • author: String author of commit
  • reverts: Boolean if commit reverts prior commit(s) or behavior
  • desc: String commit description
  • topics: Array areas the commit touches (example: ['build', 'win'])

Instance getters:

  • shaUrl: String url to the commit in github
  • prUrl: String url to the pr on github


Thank you Node.js Release Team and all the contributors to the Node.js project, without you none of this is possible. Special thanks goes out to Tierney Cyren. His relentless desire to improve accessibility, visibility and communication inspired this project.


To submit a bug report, please create an issue on GitHub.

If you'd like to contribute code to this project, please read the document.

License & Copyright

node-release-lines is Copyright (c) 2018 Nathan White and licensed under the MIT license. All rights not explicitly granted in the MIT license are reserved. See the included file for more details.