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Core Highlights

github-actions[bot] edited this page Jul 16, 2024 · 423 revisions


No Colour Means no Productivity


core.highlights maps all possible highlight groups available throughout Neorg under a single tree of highlights: @neorg.*.


  • dim

    Handles the dimming of certain highlight groups.

    It sometimes is favourable to use an existing highlight group, but to dim or brighten it a little bit.

    To do so, you may use this table, which, similarly to the highlights table, will concatenate nested trees to form a highlight group name.

    The difference is, however, that the leaves of the tree are a table, not a single string. This table has three possible fields:

    • reference - which highlight to use as reference for the dimming.
    • percentage - by how much to darken the reference highlight. This value may be between -100 and 100, where negative percentages brighten the reference highlight, whereas positive values dim the highlight by the given percentage.
    • markup

      • inline_comment

        • percentage

        • reference

      • verbatim

        • percentage

        • reference

    • tags

      • ranged_verbatim

        • code_block

          • affect

          • percentage

          • reference

  • highlights

    The TS highlights for each Neorg type.

    The highlights table is a large collection of nested trees. At the leaves of each of these trees is the final highlight to apply to that tree. For example: "+@comment" tells Neorg to link to an existing highlight group @comment (denoted by the + prefix). When no prefix is found, the string is treated as arguments passed to :highlight, for example: gui=bold fg=#000000.

    Nested trees concatenate, thus:

    tags = {
    ranged_verbatim = {
    begin = "+@comment",

    matches the highlight group:


    and converts into the following command:

    highlight! link @neorg.tags.ranged_verbatim.begin @comment
    • anchors

      Highlights for the anchor syntax: [name]{location}.

      • declaration

        • delimiter

      • definition

        • delimiter

    • definitions

      Highlights for definitions ($ Definition).

    • delimiters

      Highlights for all the delimiter types. These include:

      • --- - the weak delimiter
      • === - the strong delimiter
      • ___ - the horizontal rule
    • error

      In case of errors in the syntax tree, use the following highlight.

    • footnotes

      Highlights for footnotes (^ My Footnote).

    • headings

      Highlights for each individual heading level.

      • 1

        • prefix

        • title

      • 2

        • prefix

        • title

      • 3

        • prefix

        • title

      • 4

        • prefix

        • title

      • 5

        • prefix

        • title

      • 6

        • prefix

        • title

    • links

    • lists

      Highlights for all the possible levels of ordered and unordered lists.

    • markup

      Highlights for inline markup.

      This is all the highlights like bold, italic and so on.

      • bold

        • delimiter

      • free_form_delimiter

      • inline_comment

        • delimiter

      • inline_math

        • delimiter

      • italic

        • delimiter

      • spoiler

        • delimiter

      • strikethrough

        • delimiter

      • subscript

        • delimiter

      • superscript

        • delimiter

      • underline

        • delimiter

      • variable

        • delimiter

      • verbatim

        • delimiter

    • modifiers

      Inline modifiers.

      This includes:

      • ~ - the trailing modifier
      • All link characters ({, }, [, ], <, >)
      • The escape character (\)
      • escape

      • link

    • quotes

      Highlights for all the possible levels of quotes.

      • 1

      • 2

        • content

        • prefix

      • 3

        • content

        • prefix

      • 4

        • content

        • prefix

      • 5

        • content

        • prefix

      • 6

        • content

        • prefix

    • rendered

      Rendered Latex, this will dictate the foreground color of latex images rendered via core.latex.renderer

      • latex

    • selection_window

      Highlights displayed in Neorg selection window popups.

      • arrow

      • heading

      • key

      • keyname

      • nestedkeyname

    • tags

      Highlights displayed in all sorts of tag types.

      These include: @, ., |, #, + and =.

      • carryover

        Highlights for the carryover (#, +) tags.

        • begin

        • name

          • delimiter

          • word

        • parameters

      • comment

        Highlights for the content of any tag named comment.

        Most prominent use case is for the #comment carryover tag.

        • content

      • ranged_verbatim

        Highlights for the @ verbatim tags.

    • todo_items

      Highlights for TODO items.

      This strictly covers the ( ) component of any detached modifier. In other words, these highlights only bother with highlighting the brackets and the content within, but not the object containing the TODO item itself.


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