I keep forgetting my keys on the outside of the door, and realize next morning I slept with the keys in the door. 😱
So, I decided to create this service to be able to send me notifications.
- A security camera that supports
(I use a TPlink/TAPO security camera) - A device that can serve as a server
- FFmpeg installed
I have my security camera looking to the door:
From the keys area, I defined an area where the keys should be visible, and for color comparaison, there is a control point to compare the colors with the keys area.
I get all pixels in that area and calculate the average color, ignoring those too close to the control point.
for y := startY; y >= endY; y-- {
for x := startX; x <= endX; x++ {
// Get the color of the pixel at the current position
pixelColor := img.At(x, y)
// Extract the RGB components
r, g, b, _ := pixelColor.RGBA()
if distance(r,g,b, controlPoint) < 10 {
// Ignore colors too close to the control point
// so later the comparator will be more precise.
Since the keys are darker than the door, the difference between the control point should be noticeable.
// Calculate the difference between the avg and the control point colors
difference := distance(
avgR, avgB, avgG,
// if the color from the control point differs more than 5 points,
// then the keys are there.
keysThere := difference > 5
return keysThere, nil
For now, I just established a simple http server that prints a json with it 🤣
GET http://localhost:8090/status
"keysInDoor": true