A Visual Studio Code theme, Relax Mint, dark green & grey for eyes.
This theme is created for writing in markup languages such as Markdown and LaTeX., NOT for coding.
Search the extension Relax Mint
on Visual Studio Code like below:
Also available on Visual Studio Code Marketplace.
todo: Markdown
todo: LaTeX
# 1. edit theme setting files
# 2. change CHANGELOG.md & package.json
# 3. push
git push origin master
# 4. push tag
git tag -a v0.1.x -m "Release v0.1.x" HEAD && git push origin v0.1.x
# 5. if you failed, delete local & remote tag
git tag -d v0.1.x && git push origin :v0.1.x
Created my free logo of Relax Mint at LogoMakr.com.