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Please include the following dependencies in the same parent directory as this project.

  1. CMPE127-Toolkit (Note: the SHIFTLOADREG module is currently under pull-request but can be referenced here)

Adding this project

  1. From your shell, change your working directory to the intended parent directory.
  2. Download this repo using git clone to your project's intended parent directory, i.e. using the following command:
    • git clone
  3. Please ensure that the dependencies listed above are also added to the parent directory.

Initializing this project in Xilinx Vivado

You'll need to initialize this project in Xilinx Vivado if:

  1. You need to edit the file structure of the project to prepare it for pushing upstream
  2. You need to work directly on the project, proceeding through its RTL design flow

To initialize, open an instance of the Xilinx Vivado GUI, and use [Tools] > [Run Tcl Script...] to run the create_project.tcl script located in scripts

Note: The Vivado project directory created by create_project.tcl will bear the same name as the project.

Making modifications

Changes to the project's file structure

  1. need to be done in Xilinx Vivado, using the [Libraries] tab of [Windows] > [Sources], and
  2. need to be committed to the create_project.tcl using writeout_project.tcl.

Examples of file structure changes include:

  1. Creating new files/folders
  2. Renaming files/folders
  3. Moving files/folders
  4. Deleting files/folders

Please keep all project files in the verilog-spi folder, such as:

  1. *.xdc constraint files,
  2. *.tcl script files,
  3. *.v design and simulation sources,
  4. *.mem memory files, and
  5. *.wcfg waveform configuration files.

Making commits, and pushing changes to remote

  1. Before making your commits, be sure to refer to the previous section, Making modifications, before committing any modifications to the project's file structure.
  2. Commits and pushes can be done the usual way. Also, be sure your fork and your git remote are set up.

Pulling updates from remote

  1. Use your usual git fetch and git merge routine to update the repo.
  2. Then, be sure to run create_project.tcl to rebuild your Vivado project with the changes from upstream.


  1. Using Vivado Design Suite with Version Control Systems

How to interface to flex_spi()

Tie these to your SPI device

  • ss: Optional, serves as chip select. You can use your own GPIO instead.
  • sck: This clock runs at half the frequency of clk
  • mosi
  • miso

Clocking and control from your CPU

  • clk: You can add a clock divider here to slow down sck

Use a register to hold the values for the following ports:

  • rst: Reset the SPI device, clearing all buffers and the transfer counter
  • en: Proceed to transfer data
  • oe: Output the contents of the RECEIVE buffer rx_buf() onto data
    • Note: be careful not to drive data while oe is active
  • we: Write the contents of data onto the TRANSFER buffer active_buffer()
  • cpol: Clock polarity
  • cpha: Clock phase
  • xfer_len: Determines bit length of the SPI transaction

Status flags to your CPU

Consider using a register to hold the values for the following ports:

  • busy: Indicates a transaction is in progress
  • done: Indicates a transaction has completed

Data from your CPU

  • data: Pair this with xfer_len to control the bit length of the data packet. Retain bits starting from MSb.


This is a SPI Master Module Written in Verilog







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