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Repository files navigation


This is a group of utils I commonly use in my golang applications


# go package
go get
# .env
# postgres | mysql (optional, default=postgres)

# mysql/maria connection string details see:
# host= port=5432 user=... (required)
# is testing mode
# true|false|undefined (optional, default=false)
# - in react-router will use local node server instead of build folder

If you're using httpauth, create a .jwtkey file. You might find jwtgen-util to be helpful.

Sample Router Config

func main() {

	router := r.NewRouter()

	// setup database transactions

	// setup auth
		// .. setup jwt-based authentication
		// .. oauth setup (optional)

	// serve react-app
	router.ReactApp("/", "./react-app/build", "localhost:3000")

	// simple route
	router.Add("GET", "/api/products", getProducts)

	// role-based routing
	router.WithRole(RoleInternal, func(rt *r.RoleRouter) {
		router.Add("POST", "/api/product", todo)
		router.Add("PUT", "/api/product", todo)

	// api versioning (based on X-APIVersion header)
	router.Versioned("POST", "/api/customer/create",
		r.Version("1", todo),

	// rate limiting
	router.Add("GET", "/api/admin/reports", todo, r.RouteConfig{
		RateLimit: &r.RateLimitConfig{
			Count:  10,
			Window: 10 * time.Second,

	// receive a github post-push hook and auto-update ourselves
		Path:           "/api/github-auto-deploy",
		Secret:         env.Require("GITHUB_DEPLOY_KEY"),
		PostPullScript: "./",

	server := httpdefaults.Server("8080", router)
	log.Println("Serving on " + server.Addr)

Sample HTTP Handler

type User struct {
	ID        int
	FirstName string
	Email     string
	CreatedBy int
	Company   int `json:"-"`

func createUserHandler(rq *res.Request) res.Responder {

	// define the request structure, could have used
	// the User struct here instead.
	input := &struct {
		FirstName string
		Email     string

	// parse request body, if fails will return a 400 with error details

	// use the auth-context to get which company/tenant (for multi-tenant systems)
	company := auth.Company(rq.Context())
	currentUser := auth.User(rq.Context())

	// create user using if/err flow
	id := 0
	err := model.QueryRowContext(rq.Context(), `insert into user 
		(first_name, email, company, created_by) 
		values ($1, $2, $3, $4) returning id`,
		input.FirstName, input.Email, company, currentUser).Scan(&id)

	if model.IsDuplicateKeyError(err) {
		return res.AppError("That email is already in the system")

	// fetch user
	// db transaction flows from model.AttachTxHandler through rq.Context() and
	// will be auto committed if we return a non-error response
	customer := &User{}
	model.MustGetContext(rq.Context(), customer, `select * from user where id = $1`, id)

	// returns json with http-status 200 -> { id: 1, firstName: "", email: "", createdBy: 1 }
	return res.Ok(customer)