17.3.0-beta.4 (2024-01-16)
🚀 Features
- core: use Nx plugins and inferred targets when running "nx init" (#20872)
- devkit: add a flag to keep existing versions when calling addDependenciesToPackageJson (#21123)
- remix: add createNodes support for target inference (#21073)
- remix: generate vitest file instead vite.config (#21100)
- remix: remove projects prompt from artifact generators (#21112)
- remix: use esm config file (#21111)
- remix: add init generator (#21146)
🩹 Fixes
- core: handle invalid group glob groups (#21027)
- nextjs: PCV3 with Cypress and Playwright should work with standalone Next.js Projects (#21103)
- nx-dev: increase shorts video size to show volume control (#21142)
- release: default changelog git commit and tag true (#21129)
- remix: legacy package pointing to incorrect readme (#21113)
- remix: import of config file should invalidate cache (#21121)
❤️ Thank You
- Colum Ferry @Coly010
- Jack Hsu @jaysoo
- James Henry @JamesHenry
- Jonathan Cammisuli
- Miroslav Jonaš @meeroslav
- Nicholas Cunningham @ndcunningham