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fix(testing): add migration for playwright e2e-ci
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Coly010 committed Aug 2, 2024
1 parent 42f1ed3 commit c9c6731
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Showing 4 changed files with 456 additions and 15 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -78,23 +78,17 @@ export default async function addE2eCiTargetDefaults(tree: Tree) {

const serveStaticTarget = graph.nodes[project].data.targets[target];
if (
!serveStaticTarget.options.buildTarget &&
configuration &&
) {
let resolvedBuildTarget: string;
if (serveStaticTarget.dependsOn) {
resolvedBuildTarget = serveStaticTarget.dependsOn.join(',');
} else {
resolvedBuildTarget =
? serveStaticTarget.configurations[configuration].buildTarget
: serveStaticTarget.options.buildTarget) ?? 'build';

const serveStaticBuildTarget = configuration
? serveStaticTarget.configurations[configuration].buildTarget
: serveStaticTarget.options.buildTarget;

const buildTarget =
'^' +
? parseTargetString(serveStaticBuildTarget, graph).target
: serveStaticBuildTarget);
const buildTarget = `^${resolvedBuildTarget}`;

await _addE2eCiTargetDefaults(tree, pluginName, buildTarget, configFile);
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
import { ProjectGraph, readNxJson, type Tree, updateNxJson } from '@nx/devkit';
import { createTreeWithEmptyWorkspace } from '@nx/devkit/testing';
import { TempFs } from 'nx/src/internal-testing-utils/temp-fs';
import addE2eCiTargetDefaults from './add-e2e-ci-target-defaults';

let projectGraph: ProjectGraph;
jest.mock('@nx/devkit', () => ({
createProjectGraphAsync: jest.fn().mockImplementation(async () => {
return projectGraph;

describe('add-e2e-ci-target-defaults', () => {
let tree: Tree;
let tempFs: TempFs;

beforeEach(() => {
tree = createTreeWithEmptyWorkspace();
tempFs = new TempFs('add-e2e-ci');
tree.root = tempFs.tempDir;
projectGraph = {
nodes: {},
dependencies: {},
externalNodes: {},

afterEach(() => {

it('should do nothing when the plugin is not registered', async () => {
const nxJson = readNxJson(tree);
nxJson.plugins = [];
updateNxJson(tree, nxJson);

// ACT
await addE2eCiTargetDefaults(tree);

"build": {
"cache": true,
"lint": {
"cache": true,

it('should add the targetDefaults with the correct ciTargetName and buildTarget when there is one plugin', async () => {
const nxJson = readNxJson(tree);
nxJson.plugins = [
plugin: '@nx/playwright/plugin',
options: {
targetName: 'e2e',
ciTargetName: 'e2e-ci',
updateNxJson(tree, nxJson);

addProject(tree, tempFs);

// ACT
await addE2eCiTargetDefaults(tree);

"build": {
"cache": true,
"e2e-ci--**/*": {
"dependsOn": [
"lint": {
"cache": true,

it('should add the targetDefaults with the correct ciTargetNames and buildTargets when there is more than one plugin', async () => {
const nxJson = readNxJson(tree);
nxJson.plugins = [
plugin: '@nx/playwright/plugin',
options: {
targetName: 'e2e',
ciTargetName: 'e2e-ci',
include: ['app-e2e/**'],
plugin: '@nx/playwright/plugin',
options: {
targetName: 'e2e',
ciTargetName: 'playwright:e2e-ci',
include: ['shop-e2e/**'],
updateNxJson(tree, nxJson);

addProject(tree, tempFs);
addProject(tree, tempFs, {
buildTargetName: 'build',
ciTargetName: 'playwright:e2e-ci',
appName: 'shop',

// ACT
await addE2eCiTargetDefaults(tree);

"build": {
"cache": true,
"e2e-ci--**/*": {
"dependsOn": [
"lint": {
"cache": true,
"playwright:e2e-ci--**/*": {
"dependsOn": [

it('should only add the targetDefaults with the correct ciTargetName and buildTargets when there is more than one plugin with only one matching multiple projects', async () => {
const nxJson = readNxJson(tree);
nxJson.plugins = [
plugin: '@nx/playwright/plugin',
options: {
targetName: 'e2e',
ciTargetName: 'e2e-ci',
include: ['cart-e2e/**'],
plugin: '@nx/playwright/plugin',
options: {
targetName: 'e2e',
ciTargetName: 'playwright:e2e-ci',
updateNxJson(tree, nxJson);

addProject(tree, tempFs);
addProject(tree, tempFs, {
buildTargetName: 'bundle',
ciTargetName: 'playwright:e2e-ci',
appName: 'shop',

// ACT
await addE2eCiTargetDefaults(tree);

"build": {
"cache": true,
"lint": {
"cache": true,
"playwright:e2e-ci--**/*": {
"dependsOn": [

function addProject(
tree: Tree,
tempFs: TempFs,
overrides: {
ciTargetName: string;
buildTargetName: string;
appName: string;
noCi?: boolean;
} = { ciTargetName: 'e2e-ci', buildTargetName: 'build', appName: 'app' }
) {
const appProjectConfig = {
name: overrides.appName,
root: overrides.appName,
sourceRoot: `${overrides.appName}/src`,
projectType: 'application',
const viteConfig = `/// <reference types='vitest' />
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react';
import { nxViteTsPaths } from '@nx/vite/plugins/nx-tsconfig-paths.plugin';
export default defineConfig({
root: __dirname,
cacheDir: '../../node_modules/.vite/${overrides.appName}',
server: {
port: 4200,
host: 'localhost',
preview: {
port: 4300,
host: 'localhost',
plugins: [react(), nxViteTsPaths()],
// Uncomment this if you are using workers.
// worker: {
// plugins: [ nxViteTsPaths() ],
// },
build: {
outDir: '../../dist/${overrides.appName}',
emptyOutDir: true,
reportCompressedSize: true,
commonjsOptions: {
transformMixedEsModules: true,

const e2eProjectConfig = {
name: `${overrides.appName}-e2e`,
root: `${overrides.appName}-e2e`,
sourceRoot: `${overrides.appName}-e2e/src`,
projectType: 'application',

const playwrightConfig = `import { defineConfig, devices } from '@playwright/test';
import { nxE2EPreset } from '@nx/playwright/preset';
import { workspaceRoot } from '@nx/devkit';
const baseURL = process.env['BASE_URL'] || 'http://localhost:4200';
export default defineConfig({
...nxE2EPreset(__filename, { testDir: './src' }),
use: {
trace: 'on-first-retry',
webServer: {
command: 'npx nx run ${overrides.appName}:serve-static',
url: 'http://localhost:4200',
reuseExistingServer: !process.env.CI,
cwd: workspaceRoot,
projects: [
name: 'chromium',
use: { ...devices['Desktop Chrome'] },

tree.write(`${overrides.appName}/vite.config.ts`, viteConfig);
tree.write(`${overrides.appName}-e2e/playwright.config.ts`, playwrightConfig);
[`${overrides.appName}/vite.config.ts`]: viteConfig,
[`${overrides.appName}/project.json`]: JSON.stringify(appProjectConfig),
[`${overrides.appName}-e2e/playwright.config.ts`]: playwrightConfig,
[`${overrides.appName}-e2e/project.json`]: JSON.stringify(e2eProjectConfig),

projectGraph.nodes[overrides.appName] = {
name: overrides.appName,
type: 'app',
data: {
projectType: 'application',
root: overrides.appName,
targets: {
[overrides.buildTargetName]: {},
'serve-static': {
dependsOn: [overrides.buildTargetName],
options: {
buildTarget: overrides.buildTargetName,

projectGraph.nodes[`${overrides.appName}-e2e`] = {
name: `${overrides.appName}-e2e`,
type: 'app',
data: {
projectType: 'application',
root: `${overrides.appName}-e2e`,
targets: {
e2e: {},
[overrides.ciTargetName]: {},

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