JEMMA is a open-source (LGPL) framework which implements the Energy@home specifications for energy monitoring and management application. JEMMA currently supports the ZigBee Home Automation 1.2 and the ZigBee Gateway Device standards resulting from of a collaboration between the Energy@home Association and the ZigBee Alliance.
More information are available on the JEMMA Website and the JEMMA GitHub page.
Tutorials, how-tos and other resources are available on the project wiki-based documentation.
JEMMA can also be controlled through REST/WebSocket APIs relying on OSGi Device Abstraction Layer. To start interacting with it you need also these bundles:
- OSGi Device Abstraction Layer
- OSGi Device Abstraction Layer functions
- Energy@Home specific OSGi Device Abstraction Layer functions
- The DAL adapter for JEMMA: it registers DAL services for JEMMA devices
- The DAL web APIs
Take a look at this wiki page to discover functionalities that can be exposed by JEMMA devices
The JEMMA code-base has been developed since 2010 by Telecom Italia which holds the Copyright on the original code base.
The full JEMMA source code, unless specified otherwise in specific files, have been released under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 3. LGPL conditions can be found on the GNU website.
Willing to contribute ? Check our project tracker. Information on how to contribute can be found here
ZCL cluster generator - A code generator which creates jemma zcl proxy classes from xml descriptions. Simple command provider - A simple OSGi CommandProvider demonstrating JEMMA device APIs usage