This repo provides four example scripts on how to get started with the novem datavisualisation platform.
For this to work make sure you've got python 3.8 or newer along with a novem account.
You need to configure your novem environment first by running novem --init
After that you can run
to install dependencies and create the visuals
This repo contains three example plots along with an example e-mail, you need to register and validate your e-mail before you can send it, and if you're on novem free you can only send the mail to yourself.
Also note that all visuals are shared with the public, and you'll have to change that if you want to modify the code and keep it private.
Once you've run the scripts you can use the novem cli to view your plots and interact with the platform.
novem -p # list plots
novem -m # list mails
novem -p nei_rgn_perf -x # surprise
For more information just use novem --help
Happy hacking!