Creates a coverage badge by reading the Clover XML coverage report using
- The badge displays appropriate colors for the badge.
- Green: >= 80% overall coverage
- Yellow: 65% <= overall coverage < 80%
- Red: < 65% overall coverage
npm install --save-dev coverage-badger
coverage-badger can be run as a NPM script.
"scripts": {
"coverage-badge": "coverage-badger -r coverage/clover.xml -d coverage/",
"coverage": "npm test -- --coverage && npm run coverage-badge"
You can now use the CLI to create the badge for a XML Clover report.
The CLI prints the following help:
$ ./node_modules/coverage-badger/lib/cli.js
Usage: cli [options]
Generates a badge for a given Clover XML report
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-f, --defaults Use the default values for all the input.
-e, --excellentThreshold <n> The threshold for green badges, where coverage >= -e
-g, --goodThreshold <n> The threshold for yellow badges, where -g <= coverage < -e
-b, --badgeFileName <badge> The badge file name that will be saved.
-r, --reportFile <report> The Clover XML file path.
-d, --destinationDir <destination> The directory where 'coverage.svg' will be generated at.
$ coverage-badger -e 90 -g 65 -r coverage/clover.xml -d coverage/
* Green: coverage >= 90
* Yellow: 65 <= coverage < 90
* Red: coverage < 65
* Created at the coverage directory from the given report.