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Artwork by Lou.

A pure-Python Java bytecode manipulation library with decent obfuscation resilience.

Documentation is planned for in the future, but as of right now, a quickstart guide has been provided below.
For more usage, see examples.

Just as a note, this is very much a hobby project so my maintenance schedule will fluctuate a lot. If you have any bug fixes, PRs are welcome.

Active development is mostly done on the dev branch, if you're curious about new features.



python>=3.10 is required, any other versions are untested.

You can install this library by either:

  1. Installing via pip: pip3 install kirjava-jvm.
  2. Cloning this repository and installing it manually:
    • git clone kirjava
    • cd kirjava
    • python3 install or, if you lack permissions: python3 install --user

Additionally, PyPy does appear to work and can result in significant performance gains.

Getting started

Simply import kirjava, no extra steps are required once installed:

In [1]: import kirjava

Reading classfiles

kirjava contains quite a few shortcuts for various tedious tasks, an example:

In [2]: cf = kirjava.load("Test.class")

In [3]: cf
Out[3]: <ClassFile(name='Test') at 7fc10a2245c0>

This is roughly equivalent to:

In [2]: with open("Test.class", "rb") as stream:
   ...:     cf =

In [3]: cf
Out[3]: <ClassFile(name='Test') at 7fc10a2245c0>

Whatever you choose to use is up to you.
The latter is likely more performant than the former, but if you just wish to inspect a classfile in an interactive shell, the shortcut is always available for use.

Inspecting the class

Viewing all the methods in the class can be done via:

In [4]: cf.methods
(<MethodInfo(name='main', argument_types=(java/lang/String[],), return_type=void) at 7fc10a069a80>,
 <MethodInfo(name='<init>', argument_types=(), return_type=void) at 7fc10a0698a0>,
 <MethodInfo(name='test', argument_types=(boolean,), return_type=void) at 7fc10a069ae0>,
 <MethodInfo(name='test2', argument_types=(), return_type=void) at 7fc10a069ba0>)

And similarly, the fields:

In [5]: cf.fields
Out[5]: (<FieldInfo(name='field', type=int) at 7fc10a069b40>,)

The same goes for attributes, although this example file does not contain any:

In [6]: cf.attributes
Out[6]: {}

Editing bytecode

Creating valid bytecode can be quite an annoyance, so kirjava provides functionality that allows you to edit methods with ease.
The main classes you'll be using for this are InsnGraph, InsnBlock and InsnEdge.


To disassemble a method, you can use the shortcut:

In [7]: graph = kirjava.disassemble(cf.get_method("test"))

In [8]: graph
Out[8]: <InsnGraph(blocks=10, edges=12) at 7fc10abfed50>

Or more verbosely:

In [7]: graph = kirjava.analysis.InsnGraph.disassemble(cf.get_method("test"))

In [8]: graph
Out[8]: <InsnGraph(blocks=10, edges=12) at 7fc10abfed50>

You can then view the blocks and edges present in the graph:

In [9]: graph.blocks
(<InsnBlock(label=0, instructions=[iload_1]) at 7fc10a1ed340>,
 <InsnReturnBlock() at 7fc10b60e5d0>,
 <InsnRethrowBlock() at 7fc10ab8f5c0>,
 <InsnBlock(label=1, instructions=[aload_0, iconst_0, putfield Test.field:I]) at 7fc10abc9f80>,
 <InsnBlock(label=2, instructions=[aload_0, getfield Test.field:I]) at 7fc10abcac40>,
 <InsnBlock(label=3, instructions=[iconst_0]) at 7fc10a2138c0>,
 <InsnBlock(label=4, instructions=[]) at 7fc10a211f00>,
 <InsnBlock(label=5, instructions=[iload_1]) at 7fc10a210340>,
 <InsnBlock(label=6, instructions=[]) at 7fc10a2103c0>,
 <InsnBlock(label=7, instructions=[iinc 1 by 1]) at 7fc10a213240>)

In [10]: graph.edges
(<FallthroughEdge(from=block 0, to=block 1)>,
 <JumpEdge(from=block 0, to=block 2, instruction=ifne)>,
 <FallthroughEdge(from=block 1, to=block 2)>,
 <FallthroughEdge(from=block 2, to=block 3)>,
 <JumpEdge(from=block 2, to=block 4, instruction=ifgt)>,
 <JumpEdge(from=block 3, to=block 5, instruction=ifeq)>,
 <FallthroughEdge(from=block 3, to=block 4)>,
 <JumpEdge(from=block 4, to=return block, instruction=return)>,
 <FallthroughEdge(from=block 5, to=block 6)>,
 <JumpEdge(from=block 5, to=block 7, instruction=ifeq)>,
 <JumpEdge(from=block 6, to=return block, instruction=return)>,
 <JumpEdge(from=block 7, to=return block, instruction=return)>)

Editing blocks

Say for example you wanted to change the value of Test.field from 0 to 17, you could do this:

In [11]: graph[1].remove(kirjava.instructions.iconst_0)
    ...: graph[1].insert(1, kirjava.instructions.bipush(17))
Out[11]: <ConstantInstruction(opcode=0x10, mnemonic=bipush, constant=<Integer(17)>) at 7fc10a213480>

And just to check that we have edited the block correctly:

In [12]: graph[1]
Out[12]: <InsnBlock(label=1, instructions=[aload_0, bipush 17, putfield Test.field:I]) at 7fc10abc9f80>

Editing edges

Now let's edit an edge. Firstly let's find one that we can edit easily for the sake of tutorial:

In [13]: graph.out_edges(graph[2])
(<FallthroughEdge(from=block 2, to=block 3)>,
 <JumpEdge(from=block 2, to=block 4, instruction=ifgt)>)

Let's change the ifgt instruction into an iflt for this example:

In [14]: graph.jump(graph[2], graph[4], kirjava.instructions.iflt)
Out[14]: <JumpEdge(from=block 2, to=block 4, instruction=iflt)>

And, to check:

In [15]: graph.out_edges(graph[2])
(<FallthroughEdge(from=block 2, to=block 3)>,
 <JumpEdge(from=block 2, to=block 4, instruction=iflt)>)

As you can see we've managed to successfully edit the jump condition.

There's a lot more that can be done than just these simple tutorials though (have a play around!).

Analysing bytecode

Often editing a method goes hand-in-hand with analysing it, and kirjava provides tools that allow you to statically analyse the data on the stack and in the locals via the use of the class Trace.

To create a trace for a method, you'll need to use the graph for said method. In this example, we'll use the graph from the previous examples:

In [16]: trace = kirjava.trace(graph)

In [17]: trace
Out[17]: <Trace(entries=9, exits=9, conflicts=0, subroutines=0, max_stack=2, max_locals=2) at 7fc10abff4c0>

And again, the more verbose method:

In [16]: trace = kirjava.analysis.Trace.from_graph(graph)

In [17]: trace
Out[17]: <Trace(entries=9, exits=9, conflicts=0, subroutines=0, max_stack=2, max_locals=2) at 7fc10abff4c0>

The Trace class provides pre/post liveness information (on a per-block basis) as well as information on subroutines, type conflicts and frames at block entries/exits.

For example, we could look at the local pre-liveness for block 3:

In [18]: trace.pre_liveness[graph[3]]
Out[18]: {1}

We could also view the state of the stack at the entry to it:

In [19]: trace.entries[graph[3]]
Out[19]: [<Frame(stack=[], locals={0=Test, 1=boolean}) at 7fc109ee7f10>]

And we can even inspect individual locals further:

In [20]: trace.entries[graph[3]][0].locals
{0: <Entry(type=Test, constraints={Test, reference, java/lang/Object}) at 7fc109ee69d0>,
 1: <Entry(type=boolean, constraints={int, boolean}) at 7fc109ee7ce0>}

In [21]: trace.entries[graph[3]][0].locals[0].constraints
(<Entry.Constraint(type=reference, source=aload_0 @ block 1[0], original=False)>,
 <Entry.Constraint(type=Test, source=getfield Test.field:I @ block 2[1], original=False)>,
 <Entry.Constraint(type=Test, source=putfield Test.field:I @ block 1[2], original=False)>,
 <Entry.Constraint(type=java/lang/Object, source=None, original=True)>,
 <Entry.Constraint(type=Test, source=param 0 of Test#void test(boolean), original=True)>,
 <Entry.Constraint(type=reference, source=aload_0 @ block 2[0], original=False)>)

In [22]: trace.entries[graph[3]][0].locals[1].producers
(<InstructionInBlock(index=0, block=block 7, instruction=iinc 1 by 1)>,
 <Frame.Parameter(index=1, type=boolean, method=Test#void test(boolean))>)

In [23]: trace.entries[graph[3]][0].locals[1].consumers
(<InstructionInBlock(index=0, block=block 0, instruction=iload_1)>,
 <JumpEdge(from=block 0, to=block 2, instruction=ifne)>,
 <InstructionInBlock(index=0, block=block 5, instruction=iload_1)>,
 <JumpEdge(from=block 5, to=block 7, instruction=ifeq)>,
 <InstructionInBlock(index=0, block=block 7, instruction=iinc 1 by 1)>)


Reassembling the method after editing is as easy as:

In [24]: kirjava.assemble(graph)


In [24]: graph.method.code = graph.assemble()

Writing classfiles

Writing classfiles back out is also easy:

In [25]: kirjava.dump(cf, "Test-edited.class")

Or for the more verbose method:

In [25]: with open("Test-edited.class", "wb") as stream:
    ...:     cf.write(stream)


It's honestly not super interesting, but if anyone was wondering, it IS named after a certain character from a certain book series.
The name is not a Java-related pun, but it does help that "java" is in the name.