This library is aimed to ease amqplib usage.
npm i rabbitmq-tools -S
- Client reconnection
- Failed channel reopening
- Routing and message validation via jsonschema
- Promise based querying interface that is curried by default
The library allow you to easily handle amqp routing and request/publish routines. The simpliest usage is:
const client = ReactiveMQ.create({
routerConfig: {
routes: [
exchange: 'amq.topic',
routingKey: 'hardware.v1.created',
resolver: () => {}
client.publish('amq.topic', 'routing.key', { foo: 'bar' })
client.request('amq.topic', 'routing.key', { foo: 'bar' })
.then(response => {})
connect(url, options)
returns Rx.BehaviorSubject instance emitting amqp.connection or null
in case of no connection/connection close
url (string | object): amqp url string or object, same as described in amqplib
options.logger ({ log, warn } | null | false): logger to output connection state changes. Default is console
. Set falsy value to disable logging
import { connect } from 'rabgbitmq-tools'
const rxConnection = connect(url, options)
openChannel(rxConnection, options)
returns Rx.BehaviorSubject instance emitting or null
in case of no connection/connection close
rxConnection (Rx.BehaviorSubject): Rx.BehaviorSubject instance emitting amqp.connection or null
in case of no connection/connection close
options.logger ({ log, warn } | null | false): logger to output connection state changes. Default is console
. Set falsy value to disable logging
import { openChannel } from 'rabgbitmq-tools'
const rxChannel = openChannel(rxConnection, options)
Constructor params
options.url (string | object): amqp url string or object, same as described in amqplib
options.appId (string): application identifier used in publishing/request logic.
options.connectionId (string): application identifier used as a prefix in logging. Consists of logging scope and vhost if available
options.logger ({ log, warn } | null | false): logger to output connection state changes. Default is console
. Set falsy value to disable logging
options.routerConfig ({ routes: object }): see Router doc below
const client = ReactiveMQ.create({
url: 'rabbitMQUrl',
appId: 'appId'
Instance methods
publish(exchange, routingKey, message)
returns Promise
exchange (string): amqp exchange routingKey (string): amqp routingKey to publish to message (any): data to buplish
method is curried by default
request(exchange, replyTo, routingKey, message)
returns Promise
exchange (string): amqp exchange replyTo (string): queue to receive a reply routingKey (string): amqp routingKey to publish to message (any): data to buplish
method is curried by default
returns void
options.routerConfig ({ routes: object }): see Router doc below
This is useful if you need to provide routes after client initialization. Starts up router and does all the logic related to listening to events.
Constructor params
options.appId (string): application identifier used in publishing/request logic.
options.connectionId (string): application identifier used as a prefix in logging. Consists of logging scope and vhost if available
options.logger ({ log, warn } | null | false): logger to output connection state changes. Default is console
. Set falsy value to disable logging
options.routes ([object]): actual router config representing queue and consumer options, validation and handling (string): exchange to bind queue to
options.routes.routingKey (string): routingKey to bind queue to
options.routes.resolver (function): event handler that is passed a message payload and expected to return any output that may be received by initial emitter
options.routes.requestSchema (json): json schema object to validate a message. read more...
options.routes.queueOptions (object): options passed to channel.bindQueue.
options.routes.consumerOptions (object): options passed to channel.consume.
- Implement more flexible amqp configurations
- Cover with tests
- Improve documentation