#Elasticity A customizable Elasticsearch client with Blaze templates
###1.0.0 Complete rewrite. Adds reactive searches, removes lots of cruft. Until I rewrite the readme, here's some very basic usage:
// This should be on both client and server
var foo = new Mongo.Collection('foo');
// Set up an index on the server
<!-- Use Blaze Templates -->
{{> SearchInput placeholder="Search Term" collection="foo" index="test_index" id="search1"}}
{{#if SearchResult "search1"}}
{{#each SearchResult "search1"}}
Name: {{name}}
No Results.
Notes: "foo" is a global variable that references the "foo" collection. "search1" links the input to the results. To write your own queries, define a template helper that returns an object in the elasticsearch query DSL. Then, pass "request=yourHelperFunction" to the SearchInput helper. The string "{{term}}" in your request will be replaced by the search term.
###0.1.0 The package has undergone some major internal changes, and the syntax for calling most of the functions has changed. This file has been updated to reflect those changes.
###0.0.5 Switched underlying client to the official elasticsearch.js client
Elasticity is a smart package for meteor and meteorite that wraps around the elasticsearch package for node.js.
This package draws inspiration from the easy-search package. My goals were to expose some additional functionality of Elasticsearch and provide some more features while keeping it relatively simple to use.
- Finish documentation
- Write tests
- Publish test app