Install packages
npm install
Build the image
docker build \ --build-arg NODE_VERSION=8.9.0 \ -t nortal/conference-radar:latest .
Run a mongoDb instance
docker run -d --name conferenceRadarMongo mongo:latest
Run the instance
docker run -d \ -e ROOT_URL=http://example.com \ -e MONGO_URL=mongodb://conferenceRadarMongo:27017/meteor \ -e METEOR_SETTINGS="$(cat settings-development.json)" \ -p 3000:3000 \ --link conferenceRadarMongo \ nortal/conference-radar:latest
Open the browser on http://localhost:3000
Adjust parameters according to use.
- Create facebook app here (requires developer account)
- Add login functionality
- Grab app ID and secret, update app's settings json
- Create Google API Console project here and configure it for sign in
- Grab app client ID and secret, update app's settings json
- comma separated list of sectionsrows
- number of rows to display the sections infilterTop
- get top n entrieslabelWidth
- width of labels in pixelslogSize
- number of log entries to display
An example: http://localhost/radar?sections=frameworks,tools&logSize=5&labelWidth=80&filterTop=30&rows=1