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This assembly provides a text template processing engine capable of merging data from objects (the model) to a text-based template (text, html, xml, ..).


Main features

  • access public fields and properties from model
  • no special setup required for models - any object can be used
  • model fields are accessed only when used by template (values are "pulled" from model).
  • can use child objects members in template at any depth
  • can conditionally show/hide a template block
  • can iterate a template block for every collection member
  • can use subtemplates
  • templating syntax is customizable and localizable.

Getting started

To install download built package from or run the following command in the Package Manager Console:

PM> Install-Package Nortal.Utilities.TextTemplating

All commands are between special tags (by default '[[' and ']]') and will be processed by engine - for example replaced by values from model.

"Hello world" example:

var engine = new TemplateProcessingEngine();
var model = new { Name = "World" };
String result = engine.Process( @"Hello, [[Name]]!", model); 
//result == "Hello, World!"

Feature syntax and API

If you want to help users to discover valid values that can be used on a template:

ICollection<String> items = engine.DiscoverValuePathsFromModel(model, maximumDepth:2);

To apply formatting to model values:

[[MyDateTime:u]] applies a standard .net format string "u".
[[MyDateTime:dd.MM.yyyy]] applies a custom .net format string

To access child objects or their members in a template:


To conditionally include or exclude a section in template based on a Boolean field in model:

[[ if (IsPanicRequired) ]]
	The end is nigh! Thou shall burn!
[[ else (IsPanicRequired) ]]
	Oh, relax and enjoy the ride..
[[ endif (IsPanicRequired) ]]

To conditionally include or exclude a section based on existence of a value:

[[ ifexists (Name) ]]
	Your name is [[ Name ]].
[[ elseifexists (Name) ]]
	I don't know who you are.
[[ endifexists (Name) ]]

To process a template for each item in collection member model.Children:

[[ for (Children) ]]
	Shown for every child. this one is [[Children.Name]].
[[ endfor (Children) ]]

Extension points

it is possible to

  • change templating syntax, including
    • use different command markers [[ and ]]
    • use different keywords instead of if, for, ..
  • implement a different engine to find values from model
  • control how values are formatted in output by default

Tips and Tricks

  • Use <b> and </b> in command markers to emphasize command statements in HTML template
  • You can find working examples of most features in source code, check the unit-testing project.