Hello there, and welcome to my solutions for Advent of Code 2021. Trying to write functional C# code to solve the tasks and save Santa (or whatever the story is this year!).
Enjoy, be safe, be healthy!
Start the console application and it will ask you for a day, like 1.1 for day 1 and task 1 or 14.2 for day 14 and task 2. The console prompt my result for that day. So change to your input or testdata in the corresponding file: "inputs/day{daynumber}.txt".
⭐⭐ Day 1
⭐⭐ Day 2
⭐⭐ Day 3
⭐⭐ Day 4
⭐⭐ Day 5
⭐⭐ Day 6
⭐⭐ Day 7
⭐⭐ Day 8
⭐⭐ Day 9
⭐⭐ Day 10
⭐⭐ Day 11
⭐⭐ Day 12
⭐⭐ Day 13
⭐⭐ Day 14
⭐⭐ Day 15
❌❌ Day 16
❌❌ Day 17
❌❌ Day 18
❌❌ Day 19
❌❌ Day 20
❌❌ Day 21
❌❌ Day 22
❌❌ Day 23
❌❌ Day 24
❌❌ Day 25