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A library of shell script functions and a shell testing tools leveraging both bats-core and docker. This library purposes is to speed up shell script development and improve code reliability.

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NorLab Shell Script Tools (N2ST)

NorLab TeamCity GUI (VPN/intranet access)   •   norlabulaval (Docker Hub)  

A library of shell script functions and a shell testing tools
leveraging both bats-core and docker
. N2ST purposes is
to speed up shell script development and improve code reliability.

semantic-release: conventional commits GitHub release (with filter)

Maintainer Luc Coupal

Install instructions and git submodule usage notes

Just clone the norlab-shell-script-tools as a submodule in your project repository (ie the superproject), in an arbitrary directory eg.: my-project/utilities/.


cd <my-project>
mkdir utilities

git submodule init

git submodule \
  add \

# Traverse the submodule recursively to fetch any sub-submodule
git submodule update --remote --recursive --init

# Commit the submodule to your repository
git add .gitmodules
git add utilities/norlab-shell-script-tools
git commit -m 'Added norlab-shell-script-tools submodule to repository'

Notes on submodule

To clone your repository and its submodule at the same time, use

git clone --recurse-submodules

Be advise, submodules are a snapshot at a specific commit of the norlab-shell-script-tools repository. To update the submodule to its latest commit, use

[sudo] git submodule update --remote --recursive --init [--force]


  • Add the --force flag if you want to reset the submodule and throw away local changes to it. This is equivalent to performing git checkout --force when cd in the submodule root directory.
  • Add sudo if you get an error such as error: unable to unlink old '<name-of-a-file>': Permission denied

To set the submodule to point to a different branch, use

cd <the/submodule/directory>
git checkout the_submodule_feature_branch_name

and use the --recurse-submodules flag when switching branch in your main project

cd <your/project/root>
git checkout --recurse-submodules the_feature_branch_name

Commiting to submodule from the main project (the one where the submodule is cloned)

If you encounter error: insufficient permission for adding an object to repository database ...

# Change the `.git/objects` permissions
cd <main/project/root>/.git/objects/
chown -R $(id -un):$(id -gn) *
#       <yourname>:<yourgroup>

# Share the git repository (the submodule) with a Group
cd ../../<the/submodule/root>/
git config core.sharedRepository group
# Note: dont replace the keyword "group"

This should solve the problem permanently.

v2.*.* release note:

  • Functions are available with and without the n2st:: prefix for maintaining legacy v1 API support. Be advised, they will only be available in their n2st:: prefixed form in release >= v3.

Try this in norlab-shell-script-tools root

source import_norlab_shell_script_tools_lib.bash
n2st::norlab_splash "NorLab rule 🦾"

N2ST shell script function/script library

  • Most code in this repository is tested using bats-core
  • Most code is well documented: each script header and each function definition
  • Go to src/function_library for shell script functions:
    • docker utilities
    • general utilities
    • prompt utilities
    • teamcity utilities
    • terminal splash
  • Go to src/utility_scripts for utility script:
    • docker tools installer
    • script that output the host architecture and os
    • script that output which python version

N2ST library import

To import the library functions, execute the following

cd <path/to/norlab-shell-script-tools>

bash import_norlab_shell_script_tools_lib.bash
# All norlab-shell-script-tools functions are now sourced in your current shell. 

Note: N2ST functions are prefixed with n2st, i.e.: n2st::<function_name>

N2ST testing tools for shell script development


  1. Copy the norlab-shell-script-tools/tests/tests_template/ directory in your main project top directory and rename it, e.g. tests_template/tests_shell/ ( recommand using the convention tests/);

  2. Add project test code in this new test directory.

    • See test_template.bats for bats test implementation examples;
    • Usage: duplicate test_template.bats and rename it using the convention test_<logic_or_script_name>.bats;
    • Note: That file is pre-configured to work out of the box, just missing your test logic.
  3. Use the copied script run_bats_core_test_in_n2st.bash to execute your tests. They will be executed in isolation in a docker container tailormade for testing shell script or command level logic in your codebase.

  • Note: test directory nesting is suported
  • By default, it will search for the tests/ directory. Pass your test directory name as an argument otherwise.

Assuming that the superproject (i.e. the project which have cloned N2ST as a submodule) as the following structure, tests/ would be containing all the .bats files

┣━━ src/
┣━━ tests/
┃   ┣━━ run_bats_core_test_in_n2st.bash
┃   ┣━━ test_pew_poo_poo.bats
┃   ┗━━ tests_those/
┃       ┣━━ test_poo_po_pew_pow.bats
┃       ┗━━ test_poooow_pew_poo.bats
┣━━ utilities/
┃   ┗━━ norlab-shell-script-tools/
┃       ┣━━ src/
┃       ┣━━ tests/
┃       ┃    ┣━━ bats_testing_tools/
┃       ┃    ┣━━ tests_template/
┃       ┃    ┗━━ ...
┃       ┗━━ ...
┣━━ .env.my_superproject
┣━━ .git
┣━━ .gitmodules

To execute your superproject shell script tests

To execute your superproject shell scripts bats test via 'norlab-shell-script-tools' library, just run the following from your repository root

cd "<path/to/superproject>/tests"
bash run_bats_core_test_in_n2st.bash ['<test-directory>[/<this-bats-test-file.bats>]' ['<image-distro>']]


  • ['<test-directory>'] The directory from which to start test, default to 'tests'
  • ['/<this-bats-test-file.bats>'] A specific bats file to run, default will run all bats file in the test directory

See tests/tests_template/run_bats_core_test_in_n2st.bash for details.


Git Submodules

Bats shell script testing framework references


A library of shell script functions and a shell testing tools leveraging both bats-core and docker. This library purposes is to speed up shell script development and improve code reliability.




