An JS library, that can be hooked into a input field, and create an autocomplete field. (Server side code to be written according to need)
You need a form: (and a special input)
<form id="someform">
<span id="tag-div"></span>
<input type="text" id="complete">
<div id="list-div"></div>
Include the JS File (at the end of doc)
<script type="text/javascript" src="autocomplete.js"></script>
Write the cofiguration
var config = {
inputId:'complete', /* Which input field to hook on*/
path:"data.php", /* Where to get data*/
divList:"list-div", /* ID for div to list autocomplete status ( you need to create this div) */
divListEach:"list", /* class-name for each element in autocomplete (no need to create this div)*/
divTag:"tag-div", /* ID of element which will contain the selected thing */
elemClass:"tags", /* class of every element in tagged list */
getVar:"sent", /* The QueryString param*/
innerHTMLkey:"name" /* The object key that is to be used as innerHTML*/
Do the magic
autocomplete.complete(config, function(data, output){
//Do whateer you like to do with data and output (called when a thing in the suggestion is clicked)