API: https://noise-controller-buildweek.herokuapp.com/
Pitch: As a teacher, it can be hard to control the noise level in your classroom! You need an app that holds kids attention, and is sensitive to the noise level in the room to motivate them to stay quiet. While some exist, they seem to encourage kids to yell (like balls that bounce higher if you yell louder). This app will reveal unique animals (choose a theme for this app) only if it's quiet enough, keeping the kids quiet.
- Onboarding process for new teacher to sign up, including their class name.
- Main page: Every 'x' number of seconds a new creature comes out if it's quiet enough. If the noise level in the room reaches a certain point, the animals are all scared away. This will involve a listener to detect sound.
- Ability for the user to set how sensitive they want the microphone to be. Ability for user to set how many seconds they want between a new animal coming out (could also be random).
- Show a live score on the page, and final score page at the end of each day. (ie start at 100 and -10 every time they scare the animals. You choose how to score)
- Page for the class to view their daily score records over time
- Show a 'streak counter' to track how many days the class goes without scaring off the fish.
- Create additional visual effects/themes for the class to choose from. (forest, ocean, desert, spiders, dinos, etc.)
- Ability for a teacher to have multiple classes, and a page to view a list of their classes.
All routes exept /register and /login are restricted, user must be logged in. GET for /users, DELETE /users/:id and /classes/:id are accessible only for users with admin permissions.
URL: /register
"firstname": "Alan",
"lastname": "Turing",
"username": "Enigma",
"password": "super%password",
"email": "[email protected]",
"role": "teacher" // optional, default to teacher
Returns: a user object and the authentication token.
"user": {
"id": "774a744d-6cb3-4a41-b45d-0ef94b9d2af7", // string, for routing
"ref_id": 4, // integer, for referencing user in sessions
"firstname": "Alan",
"lastname": "Turing",
"username": "Enigma",
"email": "[email protected]",
"role": "teacher"
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWJqZWN0IjoiNzc0YTc0NGQtNmNiMy00YTQxLWI0NWQtMGVmOTRiOWQyYWY3IiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJNdGgiLCJyb2xlcyI6InRlYWNoZXIiLCJpYXQiOjE1NjMzMTQ4NzQsImV4cCI6MTU2MzQwMTI3NH0.UFGfIRyHym3sVwi9xkfOmQ9QdjJ9OQehFr00Hl9ZwYw"
URL: /login
"username": "Enigma",
"password": "super%password"
Returns: Example:
"message": "Welcome Enigma!",
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWJqZWN0IjoiNGRhYTFhMmYtMDdhNi00NWQ0LTkxMWQtYzQyNjJlNmM1NmZmIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJFbmlnbWEiLCJyb2xlcyI6InRlYWNoZXIiLCJpYXQiOjE1NjMzMjI2MDksImV4cCI6MTU2MzQwOTAwOX0.hqB2hZ9HJjEiwbZpZXYfPTgDmjAfzE2MpJFLJlVKeJM",
"user": {
"id": "4daa1a2f-07a6-45d4-911d-c4262e6c56ff", // string, for routing
"ref_id": 4, //integer, for referencing user in sessions
"firstname": "Alan",
"lastname": "Turing",
"username": "Enigma",
"email": "[email protected]",
"role": "teacher"
URL: /users
Returns: an array of user objects
"id": "1", // string, for routing
"ref_id": 1, // integer, for referencing user in sessions
"firstname": "Kasia",
"lastname": "Bondarava",
"username": "kbondarava",
"email": "[email protected]",
"role": "teacher"
URL: /users/:id
Returns: a user object
"id": "2", // string, for routing
"ref_id": 2, // integer, for referencing user in sessions
"firstname": "Levi",
"lastname": "Simpson",
"username": "levisimpson",
"email": "[email protected]",
"role": "teacher"
URL: /users/:id/sessions
Returns: an array of session objects for particular user
"id": "1",
"date": "",
"score": 100,
"lessonName": "Math",
"name": "Ms. Angela's",
"grade": "1st"
URL: /users/:id/classes
Returns: an array of session objects for particular user
"id": "1",
"name": "Ms. Angela's",
"grade": "1st"
URL: /users
"firstname": "Alan",
"lastname": "Turing",
"username": "Enigma",
"password": "super%password",
"email": "[email protected]",
"role": "admin" // optional, default to "teacher"
Returns: a newely created user object with id
"id": "350a9aeb-3545-42f4-892b-791d51fc9e0a", // string, for routing
"ref_id": 4, // integer, for referencing user in sessions
"firstname": "Alan",
"lastname": "Turing",
"username": "Enigma",
"email": "[email protected]",
"role": "admin"
URL: /users/:id
Authorisation: User must be an admin.
Returns: (if successful) message and count of the records has beed deleted.
"message": "The user has been deleted",
"count": 1
URL: /users/:id
Payload: an object with the same values as for register.
Returns: (if successful) message and updated user object.
"message": "The user has been updated",
"updatedUser": {
"id": "2c872254-feee-48ff-bda3-10041b8b56eb", // string, for routing
"ref_id": 4, // integer, for referencing user in sessions
"firstname": "Alan",
"lastname": "Turing",
"username": "Enigma",
"password": "Super%Password",
"email": "[email protected]",
"role": "admin"
URL: /sessions
Returns: an array of sessions objects
"id": "1",
"date": "03/07/2019",
"score": 100,
"lessonName": "Math" // subject
URL: /sessions/:id
Returns: a session object
"id": "1",
"firstname": "Kasia", // first name of the user which has created the session
"lastname": "Bondarava", // last name of the user which has created the session
"date": "03/07/2019",
"lessonName": "Math", // subject
"className": "Ms. Angela's",
"grade": "1st",
"score": 100
URL: /sessions
"user_id": 1, // === integer, ref_id of the user
"class_id": 1, // === integer, ref_id of the class
"date": "03/07/2019",
"score": 0,
"lessonName": "Math" // optional
Returns: message and a newely created session object with id
"message": "sessions was added succesfully",
"inserted": [
"id": "a0a15399-523b-4fd8-b883-fb03f1cbc2bf",
"firstname": "Alan", // first name of the user which has created the session
"lastname": "Turing", // last name of the user which has created the session
"date": "03/07/2019",
"lessonName": "Math",
"className": "Ms. Angela's",
"grade": "1st",
"score": 80
URL: /sessions/:id
Returns: (if successful) message and count of the records has beed deleted.
"message": "The session has been deleted",
"count": 1
URL: /sessions/:id
Payload: an object with the same values as for create session.
Returns: (if successful) message and updated user object.
"message": "The session has been updated",
"updatedSessions": {
"id": "a0a15399-523b-4fd8-b883-fb03f1cbc2bf",
"user_id": 9,
"class_id": 1,
"date": "03/07/2019",
"score": 100,
"lessonName": "Math"