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updates to the ply writer
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noinia committed Nov 23, 2024
1 parent fe98c9d commit a506cd6
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Showing 2 changed files with 64 additions and 35 deletions.
51 changes: 39 additions & 12 deletions hgeometry-examples/lowerEnv/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,19 +3,25 @@ module Main(main) where

import Control.Lens
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import HGeometry.Box
import HGeometry.Ext
import HGeometry.HyperPlane.NonVertical
import HGeometry.Number.Real.Rational
import HGeometry.Plane.LowerEnvelope
import HGeometry.Plane.LowerEnvelope.Connected
import HGeometry.PlaneGraph
import HGeometry.PlaneGraph.Instances
import HGeometry.Point
import HGeometry.Triangle
import HGeometry.VoronoiDiagram.ViaLowerEnvelope
import HGeometry.Transformation
import HGeometry.Vector
import HGeometry.VoronoiDiagram.ViaLowerEnvelope (pointToPlane)
import Ipe
import PLY.Writer
import System.OsPath
import Test.QuickCheck
-- import Test.QuickCheck


Expand All @@ -32,16 +38,37 @@ myPlanes = NonEmpty.fromList $ zipWith (\i p -> pointToPlane p :+ (i,p)) [0..]
, Point2 48 144

verticesOf = NonEmpty.fromList . foldMap F.toList . trianglesOf
trianglesOf _ = [ Triangle (origin :+ 0) (Point3 10 0 1 :+ 1) (Point3 0 10 2 :+ 2) ]
-- verticesOf = NonEmpty.fromList . foldMap F.toList . trianglesOf
-- trianglesOf _ = [ Triangle (origin :+ 0) (Point3 10 0 1 :+ 1) (Point3 0 10 2 :+ 2) ]

-- \case
-- ParallelStrips _ -> undefined
-- ConnectedEnvelope env -> undefined

-- trianglesOf env = []
-- | Render a minimization diagram
renderMinimizationDiagram :: (Plane_ plane r, Ord r, Fractional r)
=> MinimizationDiagram r plane
-> ( NonEmpty (Point 3 r :+ Int)
, NonEmpty (NonEmpty Int)
renderMinimizationDiagram env = (NonEmpty.fromList vs, NonEmpty.fromList fs)
(_,vs,fs) = foldr f (0,[],[]) . Map.toAscList . asMap $ env
f (h,reg) acc@(i,vsAcc,fsAcc) = case reg of
Bounded pts -> let k = length pts
vs' = zipWith (\q@(Point2 x y) j ->
let z = evalAt q h
in Point3 x y z :+ j) pts face'
face' = take k [i,(i+1)..]
in ( i+k
, vs' <> vsAcc
, NonEmpty.fromList face' : fsAcc
Unbounded _ _ _ -> acc

main :: IO ()
main = renderOutputToFile [osp|myLowerEnv.ply|] (verticesOf $ lowerEnvelope myPlanes)
(trianglesOf $ lowerEnvelope myPlanes)
main = case lowerEnvelope myPlanes of
ParallelStrips _ -> pure ()
ConnectedEnvelope env -> renderOutputToFile [osp|myLowerEnv.ply|] vs' fs
m = 20
maxP = Point3 m m m
vs' = fitToBox (Box (maxP&vector %~ negated) maxP) vs
(vs,fs) = renderMinimizationDiagram env
48 changes: 25 additions & 23 deletions hgeometry/ply/src/PLY/Writer.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,48 +21,50 @@ import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Foldable1
import HGeometry.Ext
import HGeometry.Point
import HGeometry.Triangle
import qualified System.File.OsPath as File
import System.OsPath


-- | Writes the the points and triangles to a file in PLY format.
renderOutputToFile :: (Foldable1 f, Point_ point 3 r, Show r)
=> OsPath -> f (point :+ Int)
-> [Triangle (point :+ Int)]
-> IO ()
renderOutputToFile :: ( Foldable1 f, Foldable1 g, Foldable1 face
, Point_ point 3 r, Show r)
=> OsPath -> f (point :+ Int) -> g (face Int) -> IO ()
renderOutputToFile fp pts ts = File.writeFile fp $ renderOutput pts ts

-- | Generates the content of the PLY file for the given non-empty list of points and the
-- list of triangles
-- assumes points are 0 indexed.
renderOutput :: (Foldable1 f, Point_ point 3 r, Show r)
=> f (point :+ Int) -> [Triangle (point :+ Int)]
-> Char8.ByteString
renderOutput (F.toList -> pts) ts =
Char8.unlines $ hdr <> map renderPt pts <> map renderTri ts
-- | Generates the content of the PLY file for the given non-empty list of vertices and
-- the non-empty list of convex faces.
-- Each face is given by a non-empty list of vertexId's, which are assumed to be
-- 0-indexed.
renderOutput :: ( Foldable1 f, Foldable1 g
, Foldable1 face
, Point_ point 3 r
, Show r)
=> f (point :+ Int) -> g (face Int) -> Char8.ByteString
renderOutput vertices faces =
Char8.unlines $ hdr <> map renderVtx (F.toList vertices) <> map renderFace (F.toList faces)
hdr = ["ply"
, "format ascii 1.0"
,"element vertex " <> (showT $ length pts)
,"element vertex " <> (showT $ F.length vertices)
,"property float32 x"
,"property float32 y"
,"property float32 z"
,"element face " <> (showT $ length ts)
,"element face " <> (showT $ F.length faces)
,"property list uchar int vertex_index"

-- | Writes a Point to ply format
renderPt :: (Point_ point 3 r, Show r) => (point :+ extra) -> Char8.ByteString
renderPt (p :+ _) = let Point3 x y z = over coordinates showT $ p^.asPoint
in Char8.unwords [x,y,z]
-- | Writes a vertex to ply format
renderVtx :: (Point_ point 3 r, Show r) => (point :+ extra) -> Char8.ByteString
renderVtx (p :+ _) = let Point3 x y z = over coordinates showT $ p^.asPoint
in Char8.unwords [x,y,z]

-- | Writes a triangle to ply format
renderTri :: (Point_ point 3 r, Show r)
=> Triangle (point :+ Int) -> Char8.ByteString
renderTri (Triangle p q r) = let i a = showT $ a^.extra in Char8.unwords ["3",i p, i q, i r]
-- | Writes a face to ply format.
renderFace :: Foldable1 face => face Int -> Char8.ByteString
renderFace face = Char8.unwords . map showT $ (F.length face) : (F.toList face)

-- | Helper to output stuff to bytestrings
showT :: Show a => a -> Char8.ByteString
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