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I think the implementation should be complete now (modulo some final …
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noinia committed Sep 18, 2023
1 parent f570697 commit 47558ed
Showing 1 changed file with 79 additions and 45 deletions.
124 changes: 79 additions & 45 deletions hgeometry/src/HGeometry/LowerEnvelope/AdjListForm.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, maybeToList)
import Data.Monoid (First(..))
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Set as Set
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -152,26 +151,31 @@ fromVertexForm lEnv = LowerEnvelope v0 boundedVs

definingPlane (h,_,_,_) = h

collectUnbounded :: Foldable f => f (a, First b) -> Seq.Seq b
collectUnbounded = foldMap (maybe mempty Seq.singleton . getFirst . snd)

-- collectBounded :: Foldable f => f (g (VertexID, e)) ->
-- ;
collectUnbounded :: Foldable f => f (a, First1 b) -> Seq.Seq b
collectUnbounded = foldMap (first1 mempty Seq.singleton . snd)

type IntermediateFace plane = NonEmptyV.NonEmptyVector (IntermediateVertex plane)

pattern First1 :: a -> First a
pattern First1 x = First (Just x)
data First1 a = None | First1 a deriving (Show,Eq)
-- todo, rename to UnboundedE or so

-- | destructor akin to maybe
first1 :: b -> (a -> b) -> First1 a -> b
first1 def _ None = def
first1 _ f (First1 x) = f x

instance Semigroup (First1 a) where
None <> r = r
l@(First1 _) <> None = l
(First1 _) <> (First1 _) = error "First1, two First1's this should not happen."

pattern None :: First a
pattern None = First Nothing

-- | For each bounded vertex (represented by their ID) the outgoing halfedge, and the
-- half-edge starting from the unbounded vertex (if it exists).
type FaceEdges plane = ( NonEmpty (VertexID, LEEdge plane)
, First (LEEdge plane)
) -- TODO: there really should be only one
, First1 (LEEdge plane)

-- |
Expand All @@ -198,17 +202,15 @@ faceToEdges face = case toNonEmpty face of
manyVertices = ifoldMap1 computEdge face
-- | Compute the outgoing edge from u to
computEdge i u@(h,uIdx,up,uDefs) =
let v@(_,vIdx,vp,vDefs) = face NonEmptyV.! ((i+1) `mod` n) in
case F.toList $ Set.delete h (uDefs `Set.intersection` vDefs) of
[h'] -> ( NonEmpty.singleton (uIdx, Edge vIdx h h'), None )
-- bounded edge from u to v with h' on the right
[] -> let hu = undefined -- TODO
hv = undefined
in ( NonEmpty.singleton (uIdx, Edge unboundedVertexId h hu)
, First1 $ Edge vIdx h hv
let v@(_,vIdx,vp,vDefs) = face NonEmptyV.! ((i+1) `mod` n)
EdgeDefs mh' hu hv = extractEdgeDefs h up uDefs vp vDefs
in case mh' of
Just h' -> ( NonEmpty.singleton (uIdx, Edge vIdx h h'), None )
-- bounded edge from u to v with h' on the right
Nothing -> ( NonEmpty.singleton (uIdx, Edge unboundedVertexId h hu)
, First1 $ Edge vIdx h hv
-- unbounded edge from u to v_infty, and from v_infty to v
_ -> error "computEdge: degeneracy, u and v have more than two planes in common!"

-- | compute the face edges of the face of h, when v is the only vertex incident to h.
oneVertex :: (Plane_ plane r, Ord r, Fractional r, Ord plane)
Expand All @@ -233,15 +235,65 @@ oneVertex (h,i,v,defs) = case List.sort outgoingEdges of
Just xs -> xs
_ -> error "oneVertex. Absurd, there should be at least 3 definers"

-- | Compute the edges of the face incident to h, when there are only two vertices
-- incident to that face.
-- more or less a special case of the manyFaces scenario, in which we don't know
-- the if edge should be oriented from u to v or from v to u.
twoVertices :: IntermediateVertex plane -> IntermediateVertex plane -> FaceEdges plane
twoVertices u v = undefined
twoVertices :: (Plane_ plane r, Ord r, Fractional r, Ord plane)
=> IntermediateVertex plane -> IntermediateVertex plane -> FaceEdges plane
twoVertices u@(h,ui,up,uDefs) v@(_,vi,vp,vDefs) = case mh' >>= intersectionLine' h of
Nothing -> error "twoVertices. absurd, h and h' don't define an edge!?"
Just (_ :+ EdgeDefiners hl hr)
| h == hl -> ( NonEmpty.fromList [ (ui, Edge vi h hr)
, (vi, Edge unboundedVertexId h hv)
, First1 $ Edge ui h hu
| otherwise -> ( NonEmpty.fromList [ (vi, Edge ui h hl)
, (ui, Edge unboundedVertexId h hu)
, First1 $ Edge vi h hv
EdgeDefs mh' hu hv = extractEdgeDefs h up uDefs vp vDefs

data EdgeDefs plane = EdgeDefs { common :: Maybe plane
, uNeigh :: plane
, vNeigh :: plane
} deriving (Show,Eq)

-- | Given a plane h, and vertices u (with its definers), and v (with its definers) that
-- define an edge of h, computes:
-- - plane h' that is on the other side of the edge from u to v,
-- - the plane hu incident only to u that is adjacent to h, and
-- - the plane hv incident only to v that is adjacent to h.
extractEdgeDefs :: Ord plane
=> plane
-> Point 3 r -> VertexForm.Definers plane
-> Point 3 r -> VertexForm.Definers plane
-> EdgeDefs plane
extractEdgeDefs h u uDefs v vDefs = case commons of
[] -> EdgeDefs Nothing hu hv
[h'] -> EdgeDefs (Just h') hu hv
_ -> error "extractEdgeDefs: unhandled degeneracy. u and v have >2 planes in common."
commons = F.toList $ Set.delete h (uDefs `Set.intersection` vDefs)
uOnlies = F.toList $ uDefs Set.\\ vDefs
vOnlies = F.toList $ vDefs Set.\\ uDefs

hu = from' u uOnlies
hv = from' v vOnlies

from' _ = \case
[] -> error "extractEdgeDefs: absurd, too few definers"
[h'] -> h'
_ -> error "extractEdgeDefs: unhandled degeneracy. More than 3 planes at a vertex."
-- TODO we should either the neighbor of h in the order around the given
-- vertex here.

-- -- test if the edge from v0 to v1 has h to its left or to its right. This determines
-- -- if we have to create the unbounded edges (v0,v_infty) and (v_infty,v1) or
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -616,26 +668,8 @@ maxBy cmp a b = case cmp a b of


-- | ifoldMap1, stolen from indexed traversal
-- | ifoldMap1. This will appear in indexedtraversal as of next release
ifoldMap1 :: Semigroup m => (Int -> a -> m) -> NonEmptyV.NonEmptyVector a -> m
ifoldMap1 f = undefined

-- NonEmptyV.ifoldr ()

-- ifoldrMap1 f (\i a m -> f i a <> m)

-- -- | Generalized 'ifoldr1'.
-- ifoldrMap1 :: (i -> a -> b) -> (i -> a -> b -> b) -> f a -> b
-- ifoldrMap1 f g xs =
-- appFromMaybe (ifoldMap1 (FromMaybe . h) xs) Nothing
-- where
-- h i a Nothing = f i a
-- h i a (Just b) = g i a b

-- -- | Used for foldrMap1 and foldlMap1 definitions
-- newtype FromMaybe b = FromMaybe { appFromMaybe :: Maybe b -> b }

-- instance Semigroup (FromMaybe b) where
-- FromMaybe f <> FromMaybe g = FromMaybe (f . Just . g)
ifoldMap1 f = fold1 . NonEmptyV.imap f


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