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more tests/debugging. Still some weird issue
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noinia committed Aug 10, 2024
1 parent 96cc8ed commit 22d7aa9
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Showing 6 changed files with 100 additions and 339 deletions.
213 changes: 0 additions & 213 deletions hgeometry/src/HGeometry/Plane/LowerEnvelope/Connected/Separator.hs
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Expand Up @@ -162,219 +162,6 @@ contract = undefined
trim _ _ tr = tr
-- TODO:

-- -- | Given a spanning tree of the graph that has diameter r, compute
-- -- a separator of size at most 2r+1
-- planarSeparatorTree :: (Ord k
-- , Show k
-- ) => PlaneGraph k v e -> Tree k -> Separator k
-- planarSeparatorTree gr tr = (sep, foldMap F.toList <$> trees)
-- -- FIXME: continue searching
-- where
-- e = Set.findMin $ graphEdges gr `Set.difference` treeEdges tr
-- (sep, trees) = traceShowWith ("separator: ",)
-- $ fromSplitTree . splitLeaf gr e
-- $ traceShowWith ("splitTree",e,)
-- $ splitTree e $ traceShowWith ("TR",) tr

-- * Spliting the tree

-- data SplitTree l a = RootSplit l [Tree a] (Path l a) [Tree a]
-- | Prefix (Path (a, Split l a) a)
-- deriving (Show,Eq)
-- -- still not quite right, since now we can't represent rotosplits lower than the root .

-- newtype SplitTree a l = SplitTree (Path a (Split a l))
-- deriving (Show,Eq,Functor)

-- -- | A path in the tree that ends at a "leaf" in which we store something of type l
-- newtype Path a l = MkPath (NonEmpty (PathNode a l))
-- deriving (Show,Eq,Functor)

-- data PathNode a l = PathLeaf l
-- | PathNode a [Tree a] [Tree a]
-- deriving (Show,Eq,Functor)

-- pattern Leaf :: l -> Path a l
-- pattern Leaf l = MkPath (PathLeaf l :| [])

-- (<|) :: PathNode a l -> Path a l -> Path a l
-- n <| (MkPath path) = MkPath $ n NonEmpty.<| path

-- pattern Path :: a -> [Tree a] -> Path a l -> [Tree a] -> Path a l
-- pattern Path u before path after <- (unconsPath -> Just (u, before, after, path))
-- where
-- Path u before path after = PathNode u before after <| path

-- unconsPath :: Path a l -> Maybe (a, [Tree a], [Tree a], Path a l)
-- unconsPath = \case
-- MkPath (PathNode u before after :| path') -> (u,before,after,) . MkPath
-- <$> NonEmpty.nonEmpty path'
-- _ -> Nothing
-- {-# COMPLETE Leaf, Path #-}

-- -- | The split node where the two paths diverge
-- data Split a l =
-- RootSplit l -- ^ apparently root is the split we are looking for.
-- [Tree a] (Path a l) [Tree a]
-- | NodeSplit a -- ^ label of the node we are splitting
-- [Tree a] -- ^ children before the left path
-- (Path a l)
-- -- ^ the value stored at the left node (i.e. the leaf) we argoing to,
-- -- and the pato that goes there.
-- [Tree a] -- ^ middle nodes
-- (Path a l)
-- -- ^ the value stored at the right node we argoing to, and the pato that
-- -- goes there.
-- [Tree a]
-- deriving (Show,Eq,Functor)

-- -- | Given an non-tree edge (v,w), split the tree usign the root to v,w paths
-- splitTree :: Eq a => (a,a) -> Tree a -> SplitTree a (Tree a)
-- splitTree e t = case splitTree' e t of
-- Both split -> split
-- _ -> error "splitTree: absurd, didn't find both endpoints"

-- data ResultF a b = NotFound
-- | Single a
-- | Both b
-- deriving (Show,Eq,Functor)

-- type Result a = ResultF (VW, Path a (Tree a) ) (SplitTree a (Tree a))

-- data VW = V | W

-- other :: p -> p -> VW -> p
-- other v w = \case
-- V -> w
-- W -> v

-- data Loc a b = Here a | There b deriving (Show,Eq)

-- -- | Implementation of splitTree; i.e. tries to find both endpoints of the given edge.
-- splitTree' :: Eq a => (a,a) -> Tree a -> Result a
-- splitTree' (v,w) = fmap SplitTree . go
-- where
-- -- Handle the cases that we find one of the elemtns (identified by 'found') here.
-- here found tr chs = case findNodes w chs of
-- Nothing -> Single (found, Leaf tr)
-- Just (before, after, path) -> Both . Leaf $ RootSplit tr before path after

-- go tr@(Node u chs)
-- | u == v = here V tr chs
-- | u == w = here W tr chs
-- | otherwise = case foldr process (NotFound, []) chs of
-- (NotFound, _) -> NotFound
-- (Single (middle, (x,path)),after) -> Single (x, PathNode u middle after <| path)
-- (Both (before, both'), after) -> Both $ case both' of
-- Here (lp,middle,rp) -> Leaf $ (NodeSplit u before lp middle rp after)
-- There path -> PathNode u before after <| path

-- process ch@(Node u chs) = \case
-- (NotFound, after) -> case go ch of
-- NotFound -> (NotFound, ch:after)
-- Single rightPath -> (Single ([], rightPath), after)
-- Both split -> (Both ([], There split), after)

-- (Single (middle, path@(x, rightPath)), after)
-- | other v w x == u -> (Both ([], Here (Leaf ch, middle, rightPath)), after)
-- | otherwise -> case pathNode u <$> findNodes (other v w x) chs of
-- Nothing -> (Single (ch:middle,path), after)
-- Just leftPath -> (Both ([], Here (leftPath, middle, rightPath)), after)

-- (Both (before, split), after) -> (Both (ch:before, split), after)

-- -- | Search for a given element in a bunch of trees. Returns the path towards
-- -- the node if we find it.
-- findNodes :: Eq a => a -> [Tree a] -> Maybe ([Tree a], [Tree a], Path a (Tree a))
-- findNodes v = go
-- where
-- go chs = case foldr process (Nothing, []) chs of
-- (Nothing, _) -> Nothing
-- (Just (before, path), after) -> Just (before, after, path)

-- process ch = \case
-- (Nothing, after) -> case findNode' ch of
-- Nothing -> (Nothing, ch:after)
-- Just path -> (Just ([],path), after)
-- (Just (before, path), after) -> (Just (ch:before, path), after)

-- findNode' t@(Node u chs)
-- | u == v = Just (Leaf t)
-- | otherwise = pathNode u <$> go chs

-- -- | Smart constructor for producign a pathNode
-- pathNode :: a -> ([Tree a], [Tree a], Path a l) -> Path a l
-- pathNode u (before, after, path) = PathNode u before after <| path


-- type EndPoint a = (a, [Tree a], [Tree a])

-- -- | Split the leaf of the path
-- splitLeaf :: Ord k
-- => PlaneGraph k v e
-- -> (k,k) -> SplitTree k (Tree k) -> SplitTree k (EndPoint k)
-- splitLeaf gr (v',w') = fmap $ \(Node u chs) -> split u chs (if u == v' then w' else v')
-- where
-- split v chs w = case List.break ((== w) . snd) adjacencies of
-- (before, _:after) -> (v, mapMaybe fst before, mapMaybe fst after)
-- _ -> error "splitLeaf: absurd. edge not found!?"
-- where
-- adjacencies = annotateSubSet root chs $ maybe [] (Map.elems . fst) (Map.lookup v gr)

-- -- | Given a tagging function, a subset, and the full set, tag the elements in the full set
-- -- with whether or not they are present in the subset. Both sets should be sorted.
-- annotateSubSet :: Eq b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] -> [(Maybe a,b)]
-- annotateSubSet f = go
-- where
-- go [] fullSet = map (Nothing,) fullSet
-- go subSet@(x:xs) (y:ys)
-- | f x == y = (Just x, y) : go xs ys
-- | otherwise = (Nothing, y) : go subSet ys
-- go _ [] = [] -- this case should not really happen if the first is a subset

-- -- | Turn the split tree into a separator, and the trees inside the cycle, and outside the
-- -- separator.
-- fromSplitTree :: Eq a => SplitTree a (EndPoint a) -> ([a],Vector 2 [Tree a])
-- fromSplitTree (SplitTree t) = go t
-- where
-- go = \case
-- Leaf split -> fromSplit split
-- Path u before path after -> let (sep,Vector2 inside outside) = go path
-- in (u : sep,Vector2 inside (before <> outside <> after))

-- -- | Handling a split node
-- fromSplit :: Eq a => Split a (EndPoint a) -> ([a],Vector 2 [Tree a])
-- fromSplit = \case
-- RootSplit (v,beforeV,afterV) _ path _ -> case path of
-- Leaf (_,_,_) -> error "w is a child of v, that shouldn't really happen"
-- Path u _ path' _ -> case List.break ((== u) . root) beforeV of
-- -- edge vw lies after the path from v via u to w
-- (before, _:insideV) -> (v : u : sep, Vector2 inside outside)
-- where
-- (sep, Vector2 insideU beforeU) = fromPath After path'
-- inside = insideU <> insideV
-- outside = before <> beforeU <> afterV
-- -- ede vw lies before the path from v via u to w
-- _ -> case List.break ((== u) . root) afterV of
-- (middle, _:afterU) -> (v : u : sep, Vector2 inside outside)
-- where
-- (sep, Vector2 insideU afterW) = fromPath Before path'
-- inside = middle <> insideU
-- outside = beforeV <> afterW <> afterU
-- _ -> error "fromSplit. Rootsplit (v,w) not found"
-- NodeSplit u before lp middle rp after -> (u : lSep <> rSep, Vector2 inside outside)
-- where
-- (lSep, Vector2 lInside lOutside) = fromPath After lp
-- (rSep, Vector2 rInside rOutside) = fromPath Before rp

-- inside = lInside <> middle <> rInside
-- outside = before <> lOutside <> rOutside <> after


-- | Find the last element matching some predicate
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