This application is a complete solution to a high availability "like button".
- .Net core api
- CQRS pattern
- Relational PostgreSQL database to store the articles/likes
- NoSQL MongoDB database as a read only database, serving as a high availability data access
- RabbitMQ queues
- .Net core background service, acting as a like microservice, that only likes a article
- Reactjs as frontend app, showing the like button that consumes the .Net backend
- docker
- docker compose
Alternatively you can install all dependencies manually
- PostgreSQL
- MongoDB
- RabbitMQ
To run this project do you need to follow the steps:
- clone the project
- open you command line tool, like bash or powershell
- run the command on the project root folder:
$ docker-compose up
The build may take some time, wait for this than access the frontend app: http://localhost