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Subhajit Sahu edited this page Apr 24, 2021 · 5 revisions

Clones NPM package to local or remote.

  • Clones a specific version of NPM package.
  • Clones all versions of NPM package.
  • Clones entire NPM package to GitHub repository?

Similar: push, clone, init.

enpm clone [options] <package@version>
# package@version: name of package, optionally with version

# Options:
# --help:    show this help
# -a, --all: use all versions of package
# -m, --message:     commit message
# -r, --repository:  target github repository
# -d, --description: description for repository
# -h, --homepage:    homepage for repository
# -k, --keywords:    keywords for repository
# -ai, --auto_init:  auto initialize repository
# -gt, --gitignore_template: gitignore template for repository
# -lt, --license_template:   license template for repository
# -u, --username: github username
# -p, --password: github password

# Environment variables:
# NPM_CLONE_PACKAGE: name of package, optionally with version
# NPM_CLONE_ALL:     use all versions of package (0/1)
# NPM_CLONE_PREFIX:      commit message prefix
# NPM_CLONE_MESSAGE:     commit message
# NPM_CLONE_TARGET:      target github repository
# NPM_CLONE_DESCRIPTION: description for repository
# NPM_CLONE_HOMEPAGE:    homepage for repository
# NPM_CLONE_KEYWORDS:    keywords for repository
# NPM_CLONE_AUTO_INIT:   auto initialize repository (0/1)
# NPM_CLONE_GITIGNORE_TEMPLATE: gitignore template for repository
# NPM_CLONE_LICENSE_TEMPLATE:   license template for repository
# GITHUB_USERNAME: github username
# GITHUB_PASSWORD: github password
$ enpm clone natural
# "natural@latest" cloned to "natural"

$ enpm clone [email protected]
# "[email protected]" cloned to "[email protected]"

$ enpm clone long --all
# "[email protected]" cloned to "[email protected]"
# "[email protected]" cloned to "[email protected]"
# ... (all versions of long)

$ enpm clone long --repository
# existing repository "npmpackage1" cloned to "npmpackage1"
# "long@latest" cloned to "npmpackage1"
# change is pushed back to remote repository

$ enpm clone long -r myusername/npmpackage2 --username myusername --password **** --description "test"
# new repository "npmpackage2" created (using authentication)
# repository "npmpackage2" cloned to "npmpackage2"
# "long@latest" cloned to "npmpackage2"
# change is pushed back to remote repository

$ export NPM_CLONE_PREFIX=":+1:"
$ enpm clone mynpmpackage -a -r myusername/npmpackage3 -u myusername -p **** -d "test all"
# new repository "npmpackage3" created (using authentication)
# repository "npmpackage3" cloned to "npmpackage3"
# "[email protected]" cloned to "npmpackage3"
# change ":+1: v1.0.0" is pushed back to remote repository
# "[email protected]" cloned to "npmpackage3"
# change ":+1: v1.0.1" is pushed back to remote repository
# ... (all versions of long)


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