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Abstraction bin tool wrap yargs, to provide more convenient usage, support async / await style.


$ npm i common-bin

Build a bin tool for your team

You maybe need a custom xxx-bin to implement more custom features.

Now you can implement a Command sub class to do that.

Example: Write your own git command

This example will show you how to create a new my-git tool.

├── bin
│   └── my-git.js
├── command
│   ├── remote
│   │   ├── add.js
│   │   └── remove.js
│   ├── clone.js
│   └── remote.js
├── index.js
└── package.json
#!/usr/bin/env node

'use strict';

const Command = require('..');
new Command().start();

Just extend Command, and use as your bin start point.

You can use this.yargs to custom yargs config, see for more detail.

const Command = require('common-bin');
const pkg = require('./package.json');

class MainCommand extends Command {
  constructor(rawArgv) {
    this.usage = 'Usage: my-git <command> [options]';

    // load entire command directory
    this.load(path.join(__dirname, 'command'));

    // or load special command file
    // this.add(path.join(__dirname, 'test_command.js'));

    // more custom with `yargs` api, such as you can use `my-git -V`
    this.yargs.alias('V', 'version');

module.exports = MainCommand;
const Command = require('common-bin');
class CloneCommand extends Command {
  constructor(rawArgv) {

    this.options = {
      depth: {
        type: 'number',
        description: 'Create a shallow clone with a history truncated to the specified number of commits',

  async run({ argv }) {
    console.log('git clone %s to %s with depth %d', argv._[0], argv._[1], argv.depth);

  get description() {
    return 'Clone a repository into a new directory';

module.exports = CloneCommand;

Run result

$ my-git clone gh://node-modules/common-bin dist --depth=1

git clone gh://node-modules/common-bin to dist with depth 1



Define the main logic of command


  • async start() - start your program, only use once in your bin file.
  • async run(context)
    • should implement this to provide command handler, will exec when not found sub command.
    • Support generator / async function / normal function which return promise.
    • context is { cwd, env, argv, rawArgv }
      • cwd - process.cwd()
      • env - clone env object from process.env
      • argv - argv parse result by yargs, { _: [ 'start' ], '$0': '/usr/local/bin/common-bin', baseDir: 'simple'}
      • rawArgv - the raw argv, [ "--baseDir=simple" ]
  • load(fullPath) - register the entire directory to commands
  • add(name, target) - register special command with command name, target could be full path of file or Class.
  • alias(alias, name) - register a command with an existing command
  • showHelp() - print usage message to console.
  • options= - a setter, shortcut for yargs.options
  • usage= - a setter, shortcut for yargs.usage


  • description - {String} a getter, only show this description when it's a sub command in help console
  • helper - {Object} helper instance
  • yargs - {Object} yargs instance for advanced custom usage
  • options - {Object} a setter, set yargs' options
  • version - {String} customize version, can be defined as a getter to support lazy load.
  • parserOptions - {Object} control context parse rule.
    • execArgv - {Boolean} whether extract execArgv to context.execArgv
    • removeAlias - {Boolean} whether remove alias key from argv
    • removeCamelCase - {Boolean} whether remove camel case key from argv

You can define options by set this.options

this.options = {
  baseDir: {
    alias: 'b',
    demandOption: true,
    description: 'the target directory',
    coerce: str => path.resolve(process.cwd(), str),
  depth: {
    description: 'level to clone',
    type: 'number',
    default: 1,
  size: {
    description: 'choose a size',
    choices: ['xs', 's', 'm', 'l', 'xl']

You can define version by define this.version getter:

get version() {
  return 'v1.0.0';


  • async forkNode(modulePath, args, opt) - fork child process, wrap with promise and gracefull exit
  • async spawn(cmd, args, opt) - spawn a new process, wrap with promise and gracefull exit
  • async npmInstall(npmCli, name, cwd) - install node modules, wrap with promise
  • async callFn(fn, args, thisArg) - call fn, support gernerator / async / normal function return promise
  • unparseArgv(argv, opts) - unparse argv and change it to array style

Extend Helper

// index.js
const Command = require('common-bin');
const helper = require('./helper');
class MainCommand extends Command {
  constructor(rawArgv) {

    // load sub command
    this.load(path.join(__dirname, 'command'));

    // custom helper
    Object.assign(this.helper, helper);

Advanced Usage

Single Command

Just need to provide options and run().

const Command = require('common-bin');
class MainCommand extends Command {
  constructor(rawArgv) {
    this.options = {
      baseDir: {
        description: 'target directory',

  async run(context) {
    console.log('run default command at %s', context.argv.baseDir);

Sub Command

Also support sub command such as my-git remote add <name> <url> --tags.

// test/fixtures/my-git/command/remote.js
class RemoteCommand extends Command {
  constructor(rawArgv) {
    // DO NOT forgot to pass params to super
    // load sub command for directory
    this.load(path.join(__dirname, 'remote'));

  async run({ argv }) {
    console.log('run remote command with %j', argv._);

  get description() {
    return 'Manage set of tracked repositories';

// test/fixtures/my-git/command/remote/add.js
class AddCommand extends Command {
  constructor(rawArgv) {

    this.options = {
      tags: {
        type: 'boolean',
        default: false,
        description: 'imports every tag from the remote repository',


  async run({ argv }) {
    console.log('git remote add %s to %s with tags=%s',, argv.url, argv.tags);

  get description() {
    return 'Adds a remote named <name> for the repository at <url>';

see remote.js for more detail.

Async Support

class SleepCommand extends Command {
  async run() {
    await sleep('1s');
    console.log('sleep 1s');

  get description() {
    return 'sleep showcase';

function sleep(ms) {
  return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

see async-bin for more detail.


$ # exec below will print usage for auto bash completion
$ my-git completion
$ # exec below will mount auto completion to your bash
$ my-git completion >> ~/.bashrc


Migrating from v1 to v3


  • run method is not longer exist.
// 1.x
const run = require('common-bin').run;

// 3.x
// require a main Command
const Command = require('..');
new Command().start();


  • Program is just a Command sub class, you can call it Main Command now.
  • addCommand() is replace with add().
  • Recommand to use load() to load the whole command directory.
// 1.x
this.addCommand('test', path.join(__dirname, 'test_command.js'));

// 3.x
const Command = require('common-bin');
const pkg = require('./package.json');

class MainCommand extends Command {
  constructor() {

    this.add('test', path.join(__dirname, 'test_command.js'));
    // or load the entire directory
    this.load(path.join(__dirname, 'command'));


  • help() is not use anymore.
  • should provide name, description, options.
  • async run() arguments had change to object, recommand to use destructuring style - { cwd, env, argv, rawArgv }
    • argv is an object parse by yargs, not args.
    • rawArgv is equivalent to old args
// 1.x
class TestCommand extends Command {
  * run(cwd, args) {
    console.log('run mocha test at %s with %j', cwd, args);

// 3.x
class TestCommand extends Command {
  constructor() {
    // my-bin test --require=co-mocha
    this.options = {
      require: {
        description: 'require module name',

  async run({ cwd, env, argv, rawArgv }) {
    console.log('run mocha test at %s with %j', cwd, argv);

  get description() {
    return 'unit test';


  • getIronNodeBin is remove.
  • child.kill now support signal.














This project follows the git-contributor spec, auto updated at Sat Jun 04 2022 00:31:29 GMT+0800.