HI Rundeck rundeck-2.9.4-1.38.GA.noarch
this setup is good for AWS ECS and Docker stand alone
Its tested on AWS ecs and as DB service RDS pls config the file - "rundeck-config.properties"
grails.serverURL = "https://YOUR_FQDN:4443" dataSource.url = jdbc:mysql://SQL_SERVER_IP/rundeck?autoReconnect=true dataSource.username = sql_user dataSource.password = sql_password
and config the File - "framework.properties file"
framework.server.name = YOUR_FQDN framework.server.hostname = YOUR_FQDN framework.server.port = 4443 framework.server.url = https://YOUR_FQDN:4443
framework.server.username = user framework.server.password = pass
*** NOTE ! ****
Dont forget to create public and private keys and add it to the id_rsa and id_rsa.pub in the setup its copy to the server and being use as access to the node dont forget to add it to the end node as you will not able to run jobs
in my setup i am using General Nodes and not per project
File - "project.properties" #project.resources.file = /var/rundeck/projects/etc/resources.xml