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no0p edited this page Oct 19, 2014 · 4 revisions

Perhaps the most powerful feature of pgantenna is having access to a Postgresql database storing all of a cluster's historical stats.

This allows for evaluating the data with Postgresql and familiar tools.


To connect to the database launch the pgantenna container mapping a port on the host machine to the container.

docker run -p 24831:24831 -p 80:80 -p 5432:5432 pgantenna

By default the container's cluster is set to trust all connections for ease of getting started. This is generally OK since no outside connection are able to access port 5432 inside the running container. To create custom roles or security options see Building From Source.

Then connect to the pgantenna database like you would any other Postgresql server.

psql -h ANTENNA_HOST -U postgres -d pgantenna


pgantenna stores data provided by pgsampler. The table names closely follow the tables where data is sourced. For more details refer to the pgantenna table reference.

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