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Reza Mahjourian edited this page Oct 16, 2015 · 7 revisions


Planning means deciding on a course of action before acting. In this demo, three different planning methods (goal-stacking, forward search, and problem reduction) are demonstrated in the Towers of Hanoi task. The planning process is first run in the background, illustrating its progress in a text window. The Steve robot then executes the completed plan in the environment. Watch the videos below to see how the planning demo works, or run OpenNERO yourself to try it out interactively.

Running the Demo

To run the demo, first:

  1. Start OpenNERO
  2. Start the Planning Experiment
  3. Select the method you want to run from the pull-down menu: 1. Goal-stacking runs a STRIPS-style planner on 2-3 disks 1. Forward search runs a state-space search planner on 2-4 disks 1. Problem-reduction search runs a top-down search on 2-5 disks
  4. Click on the Start button to start the demo

Upon Start, a text window pops up to show the progress of the planner. Pressing the "Step" button in this window allows proceeding through the planning process one step at a time; pressing the "Run" button runs the process until the end without interruption. The final plan is printed at the end of the text window

This plan is then given to Steve to execute. Press "Pause" to temporarily pause its execution, and "Continue" to resume.

Tower of Hanoi

Somewhere in Hanoi there's a monastery with a courtyard with three tall poles and 64 disks (each with a different size and with a hole in the middle) on one of the poles. The monks have a peculiar tasks: they have to move the disks from the original pole to the target pole. They can move only one disk at a time, they can place each disk only on top of a larger disk, on any of the poles (but not on the ground). Once they finish the task, the world will end...(but it will take a long time so no need to worry!).

Being clever AI programmers, the monks implemented three methods for planning their work ahead of time. In this demo you can test these methods with a small number of disks, and you can evaluate how well they might scale up to the full task.

In all three methods, the initial state is expressed in a logical form as

(ON disk1 pole1) &
(ON disk2 disk1) &
(ON disk3 disk2) &
(CLEAR disk3) &
(CLEAR pole2) &
(CLEAR pole3)

and the goal state as

(ON disk1 pole3) &
(ON disk2 disk1) &
(ON disk3 disk2)

The actions are defined through a set of preconditions and postconditions, e.g.

(MOVE disk1 x y)
Preconditions:  (CLEAR disk1) & (ON disk1 x) & (CLEAR y) & (< disk1 y)
add (CLEAR x), (ON disk1 y)
delete (CLEAR y), (ON disk1 x)

Planning consists of finding a sequence of actions that transforms the initial state to the goal state. Three methods for doing so are outlined below.

Goal-Stacking Planner

The goal-stacking (i.e. STRIPS-like) planner is a simple linear solver, i.e. a total order solver that assumes all steps can be planned one after the other with a strict ordering. It works backwards by starting at the goal state and searching for a grounded action (one with all variables replaced with literals) that will satisfy a precondition of the goal state. When it finds an acceptable action, it adds it to the plan and the preconditions of the newly added action are added to the set of goals. If an action is added that conflicts with another already-satisfied goal, then the clobbered goal is reintroduced and resatisfied. The algorithm keeps working backwards, stacking subgoals on top of each other via a depth-first search until it either satisfies all the goals or exhausts all possible plans and gives up.

This approach allows solving the 2-disk task, but it fails on three or more disks (it gets into an infinite loop; see "Next Steps"). One way to solve it is to consider all potential plans systematically, as is done in state-space search.

Click to play video.

State-Space Search

In State-Space search, the planner searches from the starting state forward by trying out all actions systematically in turn, in a depth-first fashion. The depth cutoff is set at eight, i.e. if the planner has not solved the task in eight actions, it will backtrack and try alternatives. Eight steps are enough to solve the 4-disk problem.

Associated with this method there is a 2-D visualization window that shows what the planner is currently thinking, i.e. the current sequence that it is currently exploring. As you can see, this planner spends a lot of time backtracking near the cutoff, and in general, it is a very inefficient method. Also, since it stops as soon as the goal is achieved, it may come up with a plan with extra actions. The problem reduction search is more effective in this case.

Click to play video.

Problem Reduction

In Problem Reduction, the planner executes a top-down planning process. It starts with the high-level goal and decomposes it into smaller goals that are then solved through a recursive call to the planner. Therefore, it uses domain knowledge to structure the search, which results in a more effective and scalable planning process. The plan is found with minimal backtracking, the plans are optimal, and scale up to large numbers of disks (upto 5 are shown in this demo).

Click to play video.

Next Steps

While the problem-reduction planner is effective in this domain, it is implemented in a rather domain-dependent way. A more general formulation would incorporate means-ends analysis of the problem, making it possible to identify possible decompositions automatically.

The state-space search is a very general method, but it wastes a lot of time blindly considering alternatives. The current implementation also produces suboptimal plans, i.e. those with unnecessary actions in them. One way to solve this problem is to use iterative deepening of the cutoff.

While goal reintroduction works in the two-disk case, it fails with three disks: the planner gets into an infinite loop. The problem is that the planner commits to an order of actions before it knows that it will work. The way to solve it is to make the planner nonlinear, i.e. avoid ordering of actions until necessary.

See Planning Exercise page for a more concrete assignments of these extensions.

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