minimizR is a l-bfgs function minimizer that works with freely estimable or box constrained parameter sets.
Here is an example of minimizing the Rosenbrock function with freely estimated parameters.
#Rosenbrock function
objective <- function(x) {
return( 100 * (x[2] - x[1] * x[1])^2 + (1 - x[1])^2 )
#Rosenbrock gradient function
gradient <- function(x) {
return( c( -400 * x[1] * (x[2] - x[1] * x[1]) - 2 * (1 - x[1]), 200 * (x[2] - x[1] * x[1]) ) )
#estimated parameters
x<-c(-1.2, 0)
#minimizR function
opt<-minimizR(x, #initial parameters values
objective, #objective function
gradient, #gradient function
control = list( #control list
tolerance = 1e-4, #convergence criteria
verbose = TRUE, #print status
iprint = 10, #print interval
hessian = TRUE)) #include hessian in the output
## $method
## [1] "l-bfgs"
## $converged
## [1] TRUE
## $`bounded problem`
## [1] FALSE
## $message
## [1] "converged"
## $iterations
## [1] 43
## $`runtime (seconds)`
## [1] 0.030909
## $`function value`
## [1] 2.166398e-11
## $`norm gradient`
## [1] 7.353189e-05
## $`max gradient component`
## [1] 6.744098e-05
## $gradient
## [1] -6.744098e-05 2.930278e-05
## $hessian
## [,1] [,2]
## [1,] 801.9929 -399.9982
## [2,] -399.9982 200.0000
## $`det of hessian`
## [1] 399.9891
## $`parameter values`
## [1] 0.9999956 0.9999913