##Drupal 8 links & resources Feel free to fork & contribute :)
- Official docs
- Drupal 8 Updates and How to Help
- Creating Drupal 8.x modules
- D7 to D8 upgrade tutorial: Pants module
- Writing module .info.yml files (Drupal 8.x)
- REST: exposing data as RESTful web services
- Change records for Drupal core
- What Drupal 8 API changes are still outstanding
- D8DX: Improving the D8 developer experience
- Drupal 8 is Coming Soon!
- PHP Docs
- Code Examples
- Using Drupal 8's new route controllers
- Drupal 8 Module Development, Part 1: Getting Started
- Drupal 8 Module Development, Part 2: Forms
- Step-by-step: Converting modules from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8
- A practical example for converting a Drupal 7 module to work with Drupal 8
- Theming in Drupal 8 - Conversion of themes to Twig
- Twigify converts Drupal 7 phpTemplate themes into Drupal 8 Twig themes
- Drupal 8 Field API series part 1: field formatters
- Routing Example in Drupal 8
- Controlling Access to Drupal 8 Routes with Access Checks
- Drupal 8 Field API series part 2: field widgets
- Instagram Block: Drupal 8 Module Port – Part 1
- Drupal 8: Hello OOP, Hello world!
- [Drupal 8: Forms, OOP style] (http://effulgentsia.drupalgardens.com/content/drupal-8-forms-oop-style)
- Drupal 8 Module Development, Part 3: Plugins
- Drupal 8: Hello, Configuration Management
- Looking at Drupal 8's JavaScript Changes
- Configuration Management and Features: a look at Drupal 8
- Module Development in Drupal 8
- Connect Drupal 8 RESTful Service with Guzzle PHP Web Service Client
- Drupal 8 – Login in Guzzle Web Service Client
- First Approach to Drupal 8
- Forms & Database in Drupal 8
- Drupal 8 Twig template engine
- Routing with Drupal 8
- Drupal 8 module development #3 - adding a settings page
- Drupal 8 Example module: block, menu, form, settings, ...
- Upgrading the Search API to D8: Creating an entity type
- Upgrading the Search API to D8: Configuration and schema
- Drupal 8 Hello World module with multilingual support
- Blog posts
- Learn Drupal 8 now by helping to make it more unified and user/developer friendly
- Drupal 8 and Symfony in Layman's Terms
- Drupal 8: New Multilingual Features
- Drupal 8 now has Schema.org RDF mappings (but don't pop the champagne yet)
- What is exciting about Drupal 8?
- Learning by Trial and Error - Installing and Touring Drupal 8
- A Drupal 8 git bisect exercise
- Thresholds, Code Freeze, Getting Features into Drupal 8, Criticals and Majors in Drupal
- Upgrading the Busy theme to Drupal 8
- Early Drupal 7 vs Drupal 8 performance comparison
- Drupal 8: best authoring experience for structured content?
- Understanding Drupal 8's Modal API and Dialog Controller
- How to Prepare Your Website for Drupal 8
- Drupal 8 Twig Templates and Translations
- Drupal 8: Writing a Hello World Module
- What's new in Drupal 8?
- Intro to Drupal 8 Vocabulary
- Drupal 8: Building Twig Performance
- A Drupaler in Symfony Land
- Al dia con Drupal 8: Actualizando el módulo humanstxt (Español)
- Drupal 8 multilingual tidbits 13: much improved software translation UI
- Drupal 8: An Introduction to the New Production
- A Look at PHP's Continuing Evolution
- Drupal 8 APIs are freezing but not frozen
- Drupal 8: to embrace or to brace yourself?
- Drupal 8: A View Into Performance
- 8 things I'm going to love about Drupal 8
- Getting your site ready for Drupal 8
- Drupal 8 - A Wave of Change
- How I Learned to Love Drupal 8 on the Road to Prague
- OO in D8: Interfaces vs. Abstract Classes Part 1
- On contributing to Drupal 8
- Cliff Edge or Path To The Summit
- Why the big architectural changes in Drupal 8
- Islandora and Drupal 8
- Multilingual Drupal 8
- Drupal 8 as an intuitive platform
- Drupal 8: contrib roads, take me home
- Drupal 8 is Coming
- Drupal 8 might be useful
- Drupal 8 how to create an administration form
- What’s expected in Drupal 8?
- Understanding Drupal 8, part 1: the general structure of the framework
- Understanding Drupal 8, part 2: The Service Container
- Why you should be excited about Drupal 8
- Battleplan for Search & Solr in Drupal 8
- Drupal 8 Ready: What's new for Developers?
- The Fall of PEAR and the Rise of Composer
- what's new in Drupal 8 and how you can contribute
- Converting 7.x drupal module to 8.x
- D8FTW: Breadcrumbs That Work
- D8FTW: Hacking Core Without Killing Kittens
- Presentations
- Drupal 8 Configuration system for coders and site builders
- Drupal 8: Undercover initiatives
- One Drupal 8 Slide Deck To Rule Them All - Please give this at your local event!
- REST and Serialization in Drupal 8
- Upgrading your modules to Drupal 8
- Dependency Injection in Drupal 8
- Modernizing Drupal - Using Symfony 2
- The Old and New Field API in Drupal 8 (DrupalCon Portland Session Notes)
- Screencasts
- Videos
- EBDUG 02 - Twig, Drupal 8's New Theme Layer (Jen Lampton)
- Creating Your First Simple Drupal 8 Module (Dev version July 2013)
- Angie Byron talks Drupal 8 as it exists today and where it's going
- deSymfony 2013 - Symfony y Drupal - Español
- Intro to Drupal 8 Vocabulary
- Drupal 8: Site install, module installation, directory layout
- Drupal 8: Creating a Blog & Configuration API
- Portando un módulo a Drupal 8 (Spanish)
- How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Drupal 8
- Create a Symfony Application from a Drupal Perspective
- Virtual Machines & Stacks
- Books
- Sites
- Tools