Online bookshop group project built as part of student internship in Levi9 IT Services company.
This is a RESTful full-stack web application for online book purchasing which supports roles of Customer and Admin in which:
- Customer can search books by title, category and author name and also purchase single or multiple books.
- Administrator can do same things as Customer and has permissions to create, modify and delete book features and check reports on most sold books.
This app utilizes following technologies:
- Spring Boot framework as main backend tech stack including:
- Spring Data JPA
- Hibernate + JPA
- Spring Security
- Lombok
- Liquibase (DB migration tool)
- OAuth2
- Mockito
- Spring RESTDocs.
- itextpdf, etc.
- Angular framework as main frontend tech stack including:
- RxJS
- Toaster
- etc.
- Aleksandar Jeremić
- Miroslav Mirković
- Nikola Stevanović