mlb-discord-bot is a Discord bot written in Python for displaying Major League Baseball stats and other information. It's kind of jank and should probably not be used in production. To be honest, it's mainly a way for me to learn more about and tinker with APIs.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Create a virtual environment (optional):
python3 -m venv <NAME OF YOUR VENV>
and activate it:
Windows: <NAME OF YOUR VENV>\Scripts\Activate.ps1 Linux: source <NAME OF YOUR VENV>/bin/activate
Install required libraries:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Obtain your Bot token from the Discord developer portal and place it in a
file in the root directory in the format of:TOKEN=INSERT_YOUR_TOKEN_HERE
Take care to ensure that you have generated an OAuth URL with the
permission. -
Run the script!
As of April 26, 2022, the commands have been updated to use Discord's slash command notation.
/standings league division [year]
If no year provided, displays current standings for the given league and division in an embed. If year
is provided, displays the year's final standings for the division.
/games [date]
Displays current day's games if date
not given, otherwise displays games for supplied date.
/player playerName
Displays player's statistics for the current season. Functionality to output career or individual other seasons are in development.
/lastgame teamName
Displays the last line score for the given team.
This project was created by Tanner Johnston.
Tools used to retrieve data are pybaseball, created by James LeDoux; and MLB-StatsAPI, created by Todd Roberts.
Communication with Discord is handled by the Pycord API wrapper.