Releases: nitrousdigital/gwt-earth-3
- Fix for issue 12
This release contains a fix for the critical issue where it's not possible to display 2 or more GoogleEarthWidget instances without chaining their onInitSuccess() methods. The unique ID assigned to the DIV that contains the Google Earth plugin is now correctly incremented when a new GoogleEarthWidget instance is constructed instead of waiting for GEPlugin initialization.
- The ID of DIV that contains the GE plugin is now exposed via the new method: GoogleEarthWidget::getContainerId();
- GoogleEarthWidget::onInitSuccess and GoogleEarthWidget::onInitFailure are now exposed as protected methods.
- GoogleEarthWidget::pluginReadyListeners is now exposed as a protected member variable.
This version contains non-critical minor updates to simplify documentation and sample code since the Google Earth API key is no longer required.
- deprecated loadApi(key, Runnable)
- added loadApi(Runnable)
Updated all demos to use new GoogleEarth::loadApi(Runnable) method and removed API keys.
Minor JavaDoc fixes.
Adding support for the new Google Earth JavaScript API 1.009 functions:
- Added GETourPlayer.getLoop and GETourPlayer.setLoop
- Added GETourPlayer.getCurrentSpeed and GETourPlayer.setCurrentSpeed.
- Added GETourPlayer.getControl.
- Added GETourPlayerControl.getVisiblity and GETourPlayerControl.setVisiblity.
Updated JavaDoc to exclude demo classes.
Added KML tour demos
Fixes & Enhancements
- Added Google Ajax API Loader
- Updated all demos to use Google Ajax API Loader
- Fixed JSNI event callbacks for MouseClickListener in GEEventEmitter
- Removed GEHtmlDivBalloon::setContent(Widget) as this method was experimental and not very useful.
- Added demos: Placemark Click Demo, Drawing Demo, Balloon widget demo & Shim demo.
Issues addressed in this release:
- Fixed access modifier on GoogleEarth::addEventListener methods.
- Fixed return type of KmlEvent::getTarget()
- Added getType() to GEAbstractBalloon
- Updated javadoc for each demo to include a URL to the original JavaScript demo.
- Moved getType() from KmlObject to to GESchemaObject
- Added getTimeStamp() to KmlEvent
- Added many demos
IMPORTANT NOTE: ge.getWindow().setVisibility(true) must now be called manually after the GEPlugin is loaded. Previously, the GoogleEarthWidget was calling this automatically but that code has now been removed.
- Added GoogleEarth class that provides the namespace functionality.
- Added batch execution support.
- Added demos
- Fixed method access modifiers in KmlExtrudableGeometry
- Fixed some JavaDoc links
- Modified GoogleEarthWidget to use the new GoogleEarth class for namespace function calls such as createInstance()
Fixed issue:
- Issue 3:GESchemaObjectContainer::replaceChild(oldChild, newChild) is broken
- Added more sample code.