A payment application with CRUD operations and banking logical operations while maintaining the balance and account sections of the customers while providing the transactions.
An developement of RESTful API for an Online Payment Wallet application. This API performs all the fundamental CRUD operations of any Online Wallet Banking platform with user validation at every step.
- Java
- Spring
- Spring Boot JPA
- Hibernate
- Swagger(UI)
- Lombok
- To create payment wallet application for XYZ bank.
- Customers will be able to park their money in the wallet.
- Customer should be able to pay different bills using this wallet.
- They should be able to connect bank account with this payment wallet and add money.
- Application should allow customers to check the balance, deposit money etc.
- User Login authrntication
- validation for the account number
- validation for the current user and user identification
- RESTful API with CURD operations
- Functional Front End For better user experience
- Account Module
- Customer Module
- Bill Payment Module
- Transaction Module
- Beneficiary Module
- Bank Account Module
Pojo Classes:
- Customer
- BeneficiaryDetails
- BackAccount
- BillPayment
- Transaction
- Entity Modules:
- DAO(Repository) Modules:
- Service Modules:
- Exceptions Modules:
- Controller:
- Login
- Coustomer
- Wallet
- BankAccount
- Transaction
- Transaction Type
- Bill Payment
- BeneficiaryDetails
- CoustomerDao
- CurrentUserSessionDao
- WalletDao
- BankAccountDao
- TransactionDao
- Bill PaymentDao
- BeneficiaryDetailsDao
- LoginService
- CoustomerService
- WalletService
- BankAccountService
- TransactionService
- Transaction Type Service
- Bill Payment Service
- BeneficiaryDetailsService
- LoginServiceImpl
- CoustomerServiceImpl
- WalletServiceImpl
- BankAccountServiceImpl
- TransactionServiceImpl
- Transaction Type ServiceImpl
- Bill Payment ServiceImpl
- BeneficiaryDetailsServiceImpl
- WalletNotFound
- CustomerException
- GlobalExceptionHandler
- BankAccountNotFound
- LoginController
- CoustomerController
- WalletController
- BankAccountController
- TransactionController
- Transaction Type Controller
- Bill Payment Controller
- BeneficiaryDetails Controller
The following Diagram depicts the flow of our Entity Relation Diagram to simplify the work flow.