Provides functions to fetch book information from Amazon Products API.
Add amazon_books
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
[{:amazon_books, "~> 0.4.0"}]
Configure your AWS credentials like this:
config :amazon_books, :associate_tag, "associate-tag"
config :amazon_books, :access_key_id, "your-access-key"
config :amazon_books, :secret_access_key, "your-key"
In production, you might want to load your config from environment variables. For this, you can use the following syntax:
config :amazon_books,
associate_tag: {:system, "AMAZON_ASSOCIATE_TAG"},
access_key_id: {:system, "AMAZON_ACCESS_KEY_ID"},
secret_access_key: {:system, "AMAZON_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"}
# Lookup by ISBN 10 or ASIN
# Search by title or keywords
AmazonBooks.search_by_title("Elixir in Action")
AmazonBooks.search_by_keywords("elixir programming")
# Search within a country (defaults to US)
AmazonBooks.search_by_title("Elixir in Action", %{"country" => "IN"})
# Include additional options
AmazonBooks.lookup("076243631X", %{"Sort" => "relevancerank"})
# Perform custom queries
AmazonBooks.query(%{"Title" => "Harry Potter", "Sort" => "relevancerank"})