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Nishant Srivastava edited this page Feb 13, 2021 · 30 revisions

The Mods are available through different library as below

Now, Create an instance of one of the Mods ( Easy*Mod class ), i.e EasyConfigMod

EasyConfigMod easyConfigMod = new EasyConfigMod(context);

Next call an available function on the easyConfigMod instance such as

String time_in_ms= String.valueOf(easyConfigMod.getTime());

There is some Android Studio support available for you to code faster when using easydeviceinfo.

  • Include a required permission check


  • Setup all constants returned in a switch statement.


    This applies to all annotations bundled with easydeviceinfo. Checkout the wiki to see where these annotations can be applied.

    • @RingerMode
    • @DeviceType
    • @PhoneType
    • @OrientationType
    • @NetworkType
    • @BatteryHealth
    • @ChargingVia

Now each Mods has a certain set of functions you can call on them to retrieve device information.

The list is as follows


To get Advertiser's ID

//Get Android Advertiser ID
easyAdsMod.getAndroidAdId(MainActivity.this, new EasyAdsMod.AdIdentifierCallback() {
    public void onSuccess(String adIdentifier, boolean adDonotTrack) {
        // Do something with the advertiser's ID


EasyIdMod easyIdMod = new EasyIdMod(context);
Value functionName returns
PseudoID getPseudoUniqueID() String
Android ID (DEPRECATED as of v26.0.0) getAndroidID() String

More Functions

  • To get User-Agent, call it from the UI thread ONLY

      String ua = easyIdMod.getUA()
  • To get GSF ID

    String gsf_id = getGSFID();
    • Include the required permission in your AndroidManifest.xml
    <uses-permission android:name=""/>
  • DEPRECATED as of v26.0.0

    To get Email IDs

    //Get Google Email ID
    String[] emailIds = easyIdMod.getAccounts();
      StringBuilder emailString = new StringBuilder();
      if (emailIds != null && emailIds.length > 0) {
        for (String e : emailIds) {
      } else {
    String emailId=emailString.toString();
    • Include the required permission in your AndroidManifest.xml
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS"/>


EasySensorMod easySensorMod = new EasySensorMod(context);

// Get list of sensors installed in the device
List<Sensor> list = easySensorMod.getAllSensors();

Each Sensor element in the list has the following functions

Value functionName returns
Vendor getVendor() String
Version getVersion() String
Power getPower() String
Resolution getResolution() String
Max Range getMaximumRange() String
Name getName() String


EasyFingerprintMod easyFingerprintMod = new EasyFingerprintMod(context);
Value functionName returns
Is Fingerprint Sensor present isFingerprintSensorPresent() boolean
Are fingerprints enrolled areFingerprintsEnrolled() boolean


EasyConfigMod easyConfigMod = new EasyConfigMod(context);
Value functionName returns
Is running on emulator isRunningOnEmulator() boolean
Time (ms) getTime() long
Formatted Time (24Hr) getFormattedTime() String
Up Time (ms) getUpTime() long
Formatted Up Time (24Hr) getFormattedUpTime() String
Get Current Date getCurrentDate() Date
Get Formatted Date getFormattedDate() String
Has SD Card hasSdCard() boolean

Functions which return multiple results

  • Device Ringer Mode
     int ringermode = easyConfigMod.getDeviceRingerMode();

Then match it against the constants provided

switch (ringermode) {
    case RingerMode.NORMAL:
      System.out.println("Ringer mode : Normal");
    case RingerMode.VIBRATE:
      System.out.println("Ringer mode : Vibrate");
    case RingerMode.SILENT:
      System.out.println("Ringer mode : Silent");
      //do nothing

where constants available are + RingerMode.NORMAL + RingerMode.VIBRATE + RingerMode.SILENT


EasyNetworkMod easyNetworkMod = new EasyNetworkMod(context);
Value functionName returns
WiFi State isNetworkAvailable() boolean
WiFi State isWifiEnabled() boolean
IPv4 Address getIPv4Address() String
IPv6 Address getIPv6Address() String
WiFi SSID getWifiSSID() String
Wifi Link Speed getWifiLinkSpeed() String
WiFi BSSID getWifiBSSID() String
  • To get WiFi MAC Address

    String wifi_mac = easyNetworkMod.getWifiMAC();
    • Include the required permission in your AndroidManifest.xml
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"/>

Functions which return multiple results

  • To get network type

     int networkType = easyNetworkMod.getNetworkType();

    Then match it against the constants provided

    switch (networkType) {
        case NetworkType.CELLULAR_UNKNOWN:
          System.out.println("Network Type : Unknown");
        case NetworkType.CELLULAR_UNIDENTIFIED_GEN:
          System.out.println("Network Type : Cellular Unidentified Generation");
        case NetworkType.CELLULAR_2G:
          System.out.println("Network Type : Cellular 2G");
        case NetworkType.CELLULAR_3G:
          System.out.println("Network Type : Cellular 3G");
        case NetworkType.CELLULAR_4G:
          System.out.println("Network Type : Cellular 4G");
        case NetworkType.WIFI_WIFIMAX:
          System.out.println("Network Type : WIFI/WIFIMAX");
        case NetworkType.UNKNOWN:
          System.out.println("Network Type : Unknown");

    where constants available are

    • NetworkType.CELLULAR_UNKNOWN
    • NetworkType.CELLULAR_2G
    • NetworkType.CELLULAR_3G
    • NetworkType.CELLULAR_4G
    • NetworkType.WIFI_WIFIMAX
    • NetworkType.UNKNOWN
  • Include the required permission in your AndroidManifest.xml

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>


EasyMemoryMod easyMemoryMod = new EasyMemoryMod(context);
Value functionName returns(bytes)
Total RAM getTotalRAM() long
Available Internal Memory getAvailableInternalMemorySize() long
Available External Memory getAvailableExternalMemorySize() long
Total Internal Memory getTotalInternalMemorySize() long
Total External Memory getTotalExternalMemorySize() long

Util functions for conversions

Value functionName returns
Convert to Kb convertToKb(long valInBytes) float
Convert to Mb convertToMb(long valInBytes) float
Convert to Gb convertToGb(long valInBytes) float
Convert to Tb convertToTb(long valInBytes) float


EasyAppMod easyAppMod = new EasyAppMod(context);
Value functionName returns
Activity Name getActivityName() String
Package Name getPackageName() String
AppStore getStore() String
App Name getAppName() String
App Version getAppVersion() String
App Version Code getAppVersionCode() String
Is App with Packagename Installed isAppInstalled(String packageName) boolean
Is Permission Granted isPermissionGranted(String permission) boolean


EasyBatteryMod easyBatteryMod = new EasyBatteryMod(context);
Value functionName returns
Battery Percentage (%) getBatteryPercentage() int
Is Device Charging isDeviceCharging() boolean
Technology used by battery getBatteryTechnology() String
Temperature (Deg Celsius) getBatteryTemperature() float
Voltage (mV) getBatteryVoltage() int
Is battery present isBatteryPresent() boolean

Functions which return multiple results

  • Battery Health
    int batteryHealth = easyBatteryMod.getBatteryHealth();

Then match it against the constants provided

switch (batteryHealth) {
    case BatteryHealth.GOOD:
      System.out.println("Battery health : Good");
    case BatteryHealth.HAVING_ISSUES:
      System.out.println("Battery health : Having issues");
      System.out.println("Battery health : Having issues");

where constants available are + BatteryHealth.GOOD + BatteryHealth.HAVING_ISSUES

  • Charging Source
    int isChargingVia = easyBatteryMod.getChargingSource();

Then match it against the constants provided

switch (isChargingVia) {
    case ChargingVia.AC:
      System.out.println("Device charging via AC");
    case ChargingVia.USB:
      System.out.println("Device charging via USB");
    case ChargingVia.WIRELESS:
      System.out.println("Device charging via Wireless");
    case ChargingVia.UNKNOWN_SOURCE:
      System.out.println("Device charging via Unknown Source");
      System.out.println("Device charging via Unknown Source");

where constants available are + ChargingVia.AC + ChargingVia.USB + ChargingVia.WIRELESS + ChargingVia.UNKNOWN_SOURCE


EasyBluetoothMod easyBluetoothMod = new EasyBluetoothMod(context);
  • DEPRECATED as of v26.0.0

    To get Bluetooth MAC Address

    String bluetooth_mac = easyBluetoothMod.getBluetoothMAC();
    • Include the required permission in your AndroidManifest.xml
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH"/>


 EasyCpuMod easyCpuMod = new EasyCpuMod();
Value functionName returns
Supported ABIS getStringSupportedABIS() String
Supported 32 bit ABIS getStringSupported32bitABIS() String
Supported 64 bit ABIS getStringSupported64bitABIS() String

Functions which return multiple results

  • To get Supported ABIS
StringBuilder supportABI = new StringBuilder();
   for (String abis : easyCpuMod.getSupportedABIS()) {

String supportedABI=supportABI.toString();
  • To get Supported 32 Bit ABIS
StringBuilder support32ABI = new StringBuilder();
   for (String abis : easyCpuMod.getSupported32bitABIS()) {

String supported32ABI=support32ABI.toString();
  • To get Supported 64 Bit ABIS
StringBuilder support64ABI = new StringBuilder();
   for (String abis : easyCpuMod.getSupported64bitABIS()) {

String supported64ABI=support64ABI.toString();


 EasyDeviceMod easyDeviceMod = new EasyDeviceMod(context);
Value functionName returns
IMEI (DEPRECATED as of v26.0.0) getIMEI() String
Screen Display ID getScreenDisplayID() String
Build Version Codename getBuildVersionCodename() String
Build Version Incremental getBuildVersionIncremental() String
Build Version SDK getBuildVersionSDK() int
Build ID getBuildID() String
Manufacturer getManufacturer() String
Model getModel() String
OS Codename getOSCodename() String
OS Version getOSVersion() String
Phone Number getPhoneNo() String
Radio Hardware Version getRadioVer() String
Product getProduct() String
Device getDevice() String
Board getBoard() String
Hardware getHardware() String
Bootloader getBootloader() String
Fingerprint getFingerprint() String
Is Device rooted isDeviceRooted() boolean
Build Brand getBuildBrand() String
Build Host getBuildHost() String
Build Tags getBuildTags() String
Build Time getBuildTime() long
Build User getBuildUser() String
Build Version Release getBuildVersionRelease() String

Functions which return multiple results

  • To get device type

    int deviceType = easyDeviceMod.getDeviceType(activity);

    Then match it against the constants provided

    switch (deviceType) {
       case DeviceType.WATCH:
       case DeviceType.PHONE:
       case DeviceType.PHABLET:
       case DeviceType.TABLET:
       case DeviceType.TV:

    where constants available are

    • DeviceType.WATCH
    • DeviceType.PHONE
    • DeviceType.PHABLET
    • DeviceType.TABLET
    • DeviceType.TV
  • To get phone type

     int phoneType = easyDeviceMod.getPhoneType();

    Then match it against the constants provided

    switch (phoneType) {
        case PhoneType.CDMA:
          System.out.println("Phone Type : CDMA");
        case PhoneType.GSM:
          System.out.println("Phone Type : GSM");
        case PhoneType.NONE:
          System.out.println("Phone Type : None");
          System.out.println("Phone Type : Unknown");

    where constants available are

    • PhoneType.CDMA
    • PhoneType.GSM
    • PhoneType.NONE
  • To get device orientation

    int orientationType = easyDeviceMod.getOrientation(this);

    Then match it against the constants provided

switch (orientationType) { case OrientationType.LANDSCAPE: System.out.println("Orientation : Landscape"); break; case OrientationType.PORTRAIT: System.out.println("Orientation : Portrait"); break; case OrientationType.UNKNOWN: System.out.println("Orientation : Unknown"); break; default: System.out.println("Orientation : Unknown"); break; }

where constants available are 
  + `OrientationType.LANDSCAPE`
  + `OrientationType.PORTRAIT`
  + `OrientationType.UNKNOWN`
#### **EasyDisplayMod** 
EasyDisplayMod easyDisplayMod = new EasyDisplayMod(context);
Value functionName returns
Display Resolution getResolution() String
Screen Density getDensity() String
Display XY Coordinate getDisplayXYCoordinates(motionevent) int[]
Refresh Rate getRefreshRate() float
Screen Orientation getDefaultOrientation() float
Screen Physical Size getPhysicalSize() float


EasySimMod easySimMod = new EasySimMod(context);
Value functionName returns
IMSI getIMSI() String
SIM Serial Number getSIMSerial() String
Country getCountry() String
Carrier getCarrier() String
SIM Locked isSimNetworkLocked() boolean
Get Active SimInfo getActiveMultiSimInfo() List
Is MultiSim isMultiSim() boolean
Get number of active SIM getNumberOfActiveSim() int

NOTE : Multi SIM info works for devices running API 21 and above i.e Lollipop +

Check the sample app for working example


 EasyLocationMod easyLocationMod = new EasyLocationMod(context);
  • To get Latitude-Longitude (Geo)

    //Get Lat-Long
    double[] l = easyLocationMod.getLatLong();
    String lat = String.valueOf(l[0]);
    String lon = String.valueOf(l[1]);
    • Include the one of the required permission in your AndroidManifest.xml
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"/>


    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>


EasyNfcMod easyNfcMod = new EasyNfcMod(context);
Value functionName returns
Is NFC present isNfcPresent() boolean
Is NFC enabled isNfcEnabled() boolean


Value functionName returns
Library version EasyDeviceInfo.getLibraryVersion() String
Enable Debugging EasyDeviceInfo.debug() void

To modify the value that is returned when a function cannot get the value from device, simply init EasyDeviceInfo with the new value before using any Easy*Mod


this will make the functions return na when the value is not found or an error is encountered.

By default if you don't use this, the value returned is unknown.