The project's name was inspired by this talk!
- Kotlin docs
# use LTS e.g. 8/11/17/21
sdk install java 17-open
./gradlew tasks
./gradlew :modules:jok:tasks
./gradlew clean build
./gradlew test
./gradlew :modules:app:test --tests *AppTest
./gradlew run
# custom main tasks
./gradlew runReactorExample
./gradlew runCliktExample --args="--help"
./gradlew runJsonExample
./gradlew runMyStream
./gradlew runMyList --debug-jvm
./gradlew -Dkotlinx.coroutines.debug runCoroutineComparison
./gradlew :modules:aws-local:run
# format code
./gradlew lintKotlin
./gradlew formatKotlin
# download sources
./gradlew cleanIdea idea
# dependency tree
./gradlew :modules:app:dependencies
./gradlew -q modules:app:dependencyInsight --dependency arrow-core
# custom plugin
./gradlew hello
# generate binary
make app-bin
- Kotlin in Action [ book | notes ]
- The Joy of Kotlin [ book | notes ]
- Functional Programming in Kotlin [ book | TODO ]
- Category Theory for Programmers [ book | TODO ]
- Crafting Interpreters [ book | lox ]
- rekursive: Recursion schemes
- bool: Free Boolean Algebra interpreter
- json-schema: JSON Schema validation
- aws-local
- aws-serverless: AWS Lambda with Serverless and Localstack
- http: HTTP client and server
- examples