My vim configuration.
Grep through the source to find more notes.
- use touch typing
- use the US keyboard layout - mappings will make much more sense this way
- create snippets for latin etc keys if you need them in vim
- map caps lock to esc key and map alt keys to ctrl keys. in Ubuntu:
dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/input-sources/xkb-options "['caps:escape','altwin:ctrl_alt_win']"
- don't remap any vim keys that you think you wouldn't use anyway
- only use leader key mapping for your own mappings
- use text-objects (buildin and provided by plugins)
- learn vim script - it's not that bad and it makes vim powerfull
- Help help :h help-summary
- Default mappings and commands :help index
- :h reference_toc
This setting makes Vim echo the autocommands as it executes them.
:set verbose=9