Contains Infrastructure as code - ARM templates and PowerShell scripts to be used for resource deployments on Azure cloud and for automation purposes
Backup and Recovery: Recovery Services Vault for Backup and Site recovery (BCDR)
General: Azure Resource Locks
Monitor: Log Analytics workspace
KeyVault Dev and Ops: Azure Key Vault, Key vault keys, Azure Disk Encryption
Network: Virtual Networks
Security: Azure Policies, Virtual Machine extensions
Storage: Azure Storage Account, Azure File shares, Blobs, and other storage services
Common Resources
- Create and configure
- Create Key vault and grant access for disk encryption
- Create Log analytics workspace
- Setup Recovery Service vault and backup policy for VM backup
- Apply Azure Resource lock on business-critical resources
- Create Azure policies
- Enforce Tags
- Enforce Naming convention
- Enforce resource deployment location
- Stop RDP and SSH access from internet
- Create and configure
Create and configure
- Create new resource group or use existing
- Create Windows and Linux VMs from Marketplace image
- Create Windows and Linux VMs from custom image
- Multiple size options
- Option for Availability Set and Availability Zone
- Dynamic number of data disks
- Option for public IP
- Option for boot diagnostic, use existing or create new storage account
- Enable OS guest diagnostic
- Option to join into Domain
- Option to do disk encryption
- Option to attach to log analytics workspace
- Option to install Microsoft Anti-malware protection
- Option to initiate backup
- Add additional disk to an existing VM
- Do disk encryption for an existing VM
- Attach ad-hoc public IP
- Attach to log analytics workspace
- Configure VM Start and Stop
- Enable backup on existing VMs
- Apply resource lock on business-critical resources
- Option to install Microsoft Anti-malware protection
- Attach to log analytics workspace to connect with Security center and Azure Monitor
- Azure Disk Encryption for existing VMs
Create and configure
- Hub and Spoke Topology configuration with upto
- Create up to 5 Subnets in hub and spoke Virtual Networks
- Deployment to peer the Hub and Spoke Virtual Networks
- Deployment to peer Spoke and Spoke Virtual Networks
- Create Network Security Groups with default rules and attach to subnets
- Create 3 additional spoke Virtual Networks and up to 5 subnets
- Peer the Hub and Spoke Virtual Networks after deployment
- Peer Spoke and Spoke Virtual Networks after deployment
- Create additional subnets
- Enable standard DDoS for all the Virtual Networks
- Enable Service Endpoints
- Create ad-hoc NSGs with default rules and attach to subnets
Create and Configure
- Create storage account with performance, Account kind, Replication type and access tier
- Define access level with network
- Enable secure transfer
- Option for soft delete
- Option to create Blob container, file share, table, and queue
- Create additional Blob container, file share, table, and queue in existing storage
- Restrict netowrk access level with specific subnets
- Enable secure transfer
- Enable soft delete