The repository contains:
- Microservice for relaying commands to Pulurobot platfrom via TCP connection and Socket.IO
- Microservice for transmitting robot's state changes
- Microservice for observing map data and notifying changes in the map data
- Microservice for routing based on map data, and for notifying about new routes
Different version of Pulurobot version 1 has been tagged.
To install the middleware on a Pulurobotics platform robot:
cd $HOME
mkdir middleware
cd middleware
Download Node.JS version 11 or newer for ARMv8 ( and unpack it into the middleware directory.
Install the middleware and dependencies:
export PATH="$PATH:/home/hrst/middleware/node-[VERSION]/bin"
cd $HOME/middleware
git clone
cd pulurobotics-microservices/map-middleware
npm install -g
cd ../command-middleware
npm install -g
cd ../pathFinder
npm install -g
Install the forever package:
npm install -g forever
Edit the script to set the path to the Node.JS bin folder.
Edit the configurations for command-middleware and map-middleware to correspond to the correct paths and IP addresses.
Arrange for to be run on boot (e.g. in /etc.rc.local).