Solidity Lottery Smart Contract Overview This GitHub repository contains the source code for a simple decentralized lottery smart contract developed in Solidity for the Ethereum blockchain. This lottery contract allows participants to enter the lottery by sending a specified amount of Ether. The contract manager can then randomly select a winner who receives the entire prize pool.
Features Decentralized Lottery: Utilizes the Ethereum blockchain for transparency and trustlessness. Participant Entry: Users can participate in the lottery by sending Ether to the contract. Random Winner Selection: The winner is selected randomly from the list of participants. Prize Distribution: The contract manager distributes the entire prize pool to the winner. Getting Started Follow these steps to get started with the Solidity Lottery Smart Contract:
Clone the Repository: Clone this repository to your local machine using git clone.
Install Dependencies: Ensure you have the required development tools and Ethereum development environment set up. Install dependencies with npm install.
Compile and Deploy: Compile the Solidity smart contract and deploy it to an Ethereum testnet or a local development network.
Interact with the Contract: Use a tool like Remix, Truffle, or web3.js to interact with the deployed contract. You can enter the lottery, check the list of participants, and pick a winner.