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Generating a Changelog

Cameron Baney edited this page Jun 26, 2020 · 2 revisions

Commit Message Format

To utilize this feature, we need to write feature branch commit messages in the following format:

type(category): description

Where type is one of the following:

  • build
  • ci
  • chore
  • docs
  • feat
  • fix
  • other
  • perf
  • refactor
  • revert
  • style
  • test

And category can be anything of your choice. If you use a type not found in the list (but it still follows the same format of the message), it'll be grouped under other. We would only have to use this format on one commit prior to merging the feature branch to main.

Feature Branches

Changelog commit messages shouldn't be used when developing off a feature branch. To ensure only one entry is in the changelog for the feature, a changelog commit message should be added when the feature branch is being merged into main.

Generate File

The file is dynamically generated for each release. To generate the file:

  • open a terminal
  • cd into the root of the app
  • check out the DEVELOPMENT branch
  • delete the existing file
  • run one of the following commands:
    • yarn release:major (breaking changes/entire new features, ie, projects)
    • yarn release:minor (minor feature enhancements, ie, shield tasks)
    • yarn release:patch (bug fixes)
  • yarn version --new-version=<version> && git push origin && git push origin --tags
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