Simple ordered list for Arduino.
Create objects and add them to one or more lists ordered any way you like. The order is set on a user defined function.
The library contains a sample sketch demonstrating the usage of all the list methods.
A second sketch shows how to create a simple event scheduler to execute custom sequences of actions in a specific order and timing.
Create a class with any fields you need, and make sure it implements the method compare(Comparable* comparable):
class Person: public Comparable
Person( char* name, int age, long id);
int compare(Comparable* comparable);
char name[20];
int age;
long id;
Implement the method compare(), which will be used to decide how the elements will be ordered:
int Person::compare(Comparable* comparable)
Person* person = (Person*)comparable;
// Using this comparation will order the persons by name
return strcmp(this->name, person->name);
// To order them by age, you would do use the next line instead of the previous one
// return this->age - person->age;
// To reverse any order, simply change the signal of the value
// return -(this->age - person->age);
Create your list and add any elements you like.
OrderedList* students = new OrderedList();
students->addElement(new Person("Jones", 28, 7233));
students->addElement(new Person("Tim", 17, 2113));
students->addElement(new Person("Jane", 32, 336));
students->addElement(new Person("Ann", 24, 4235));
Access the data that is ordered automatically. The following line would print all the names in order:
for (int i=0; i<students->count(); i++)
Check the examples that come with the library to see the code in action.
1.0 released in 2014-05-27