A few experiments with concurrency in rust.
I am trying to learn the language, so helpful comments are very welcome. So far the code looks like this:
extern mod actor;
extern mod std;
use actor::actor::{Actor, SurviveOrDie, Survive};
use actor::system::{System};
struct Squarer;
impl <C: GenericChan<int>> Actor<int, int, C> for Squarer {
fn on_receive(&mut self, msg: int, chan: &C) -> SurviveOrDie {
chan.send(msg * msg);
fn main() {
let mut system = System::new();
let mut squarers =
do range(0, 6).map |i| {
let squarer = system.add_actor((), |_| { Squarer });
let norm2 = squarers.fold(0, |sum, squarer| sum + squarer.port.recv());
assert_eq!(norm2 , 1 * 1 + 2 * 2 + 3 * 3 + 4 * 4 + 5 * 5);