Simple component to handle file selection for upload.
Copy UploadButton.vue
to part of our project and require/import if using bundler.
Tested to work with Vue 2.5.x and Vuetify 1.0.3
In your view or component import file:
import UploadButton from './UploadButton';
add it to components section:
components: {
Set title of the button and callback function via props:
<upload-button title="Browse" :selectedCallback="fileSelectedFunc">
Vital part of functionality is the callback function. When you have selected file or cancelled new selection you will get callback with the given file (as File
-object). File can be then passed to e.g. to Vue-Resource to do the actual upload. Callback will send null
if selection of new file was cancelled.
More info about File -object in the MDN.
If you want to modify styles do it in the component file directly. Currently defines as:
<v-btn dark class="btn--dark-flat-focused jbtn-file">
© 2018 Janne Hämäläinen.
Released under MIT license.